Chapter 11

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Olivia got up early to get ready for school. She was surprisingly calm about returning to school here.

She wore skinny black jeans and a red full-sleeve check-shirt today. She donned her hair in a ponytail with two strands of hair dangling from it and a bang that covered a portion of her eyes. She applied black eyeliner and a baby pink lip gloss. She paired her outfit with white sneakers.

She took her bag and went downstairs once she was satisfied with her appearance. Eliana and William complimented her as she entered the kitchen, and Caleb was enthralled. She can't blame him because she didn't make a good first impression and knew she wasn't a bad-looking person.

Caleb was taken aback when he first saw Olivia. He had no idea she'd look this good. Yes, he thought she was cute, but she looked nothing like she did when she came into his life. Caleb had noticed Olivia always wore baggy clothes for the past week. But, this was the first time he saw her dressed normally.

Caleb and Olivia left for school after a quick breakfast. Olivia was hitchhiking with Caleb because they were both going to the same school, 'ST. Elite,' and she didn't have a car to ride yet. To break the awkward silence, Olivia asked, "So, in Elite, who is the captain of cheerleading squat?"

"Jenna. Are you interested to join?" Caleb asked her casually. This was the first time they'd had a decent conversation in seven days.

"Cheerleading is not for me. So, do you play any sport for the team?"

"Football," Caleb answered.

"Interesting. So, you're the Jock of the school. Who is the captain?"

"Trevor," he replied in a single word.

"Really! That's cool." Olivia was glad that Trevor finally became captain of the team. He had always aspired to be one.

Olivia's reaction to Trevor piqued Caleb's interest. She appeared to be pleased for him. But in order to be in that position, she must first get to know him. Olivia asked Caleb to stop the car after about five minutes. He was puzzled as to why she was getting out of the car. Olivia moved her gaze to the window and explained her reasoning.

"It doesn't take a genius to know that you are popular, and I doubt you want to be seen with me, let alone have everyone know I am staying with you. So you can carry on without me. I know the way, so I will reach there shortly." Olivia then sets off on her way to school by herself.

Caleb was stunned. He had no qualms about being seen with Olivia. He was undoubtedly fine with it. But before he could say anything, she had left him alone in the car. So he had no choice but to show up solo. He arrived at St. Elite quickly and met his best friends, Sia and Mason.

Olivia arrived at school in under ten minutes. She drew a deep breath and walked into her new school. She arrived a little earlier than usual, so the corridors weren't as crowded. She went to the reception and saw Gloria. She was relieved that Gloria was in charge of the administrative tasks. She is a sweet person, and Olivia had always admired her.

"Hey, Gloria." Olivia smiled as she greeted her.

"Olivia! It's wonderful to have you back. Well, here's your schedule and books, as well as your locker number. It's the same as it was before." She provided information.

Olivia passed by a number of familiar faces on her way to the locker, who were surprised to see her return but gladly greeted her. Then, she walked over to the locker and opened it. She was listening to music while attempting to arrange her books in the locker.

Caleb and his two best friends were walking through the corridors. They were all walking towards their lockers when Sia and Mason came to a halt, staring straight at the locker where he discovered Olivia keeping her books. They immediately approached her leaving Caleb confused and tapped her on the shoulder.

When Olivia was busy keeping her books, she found someone tapping on her shoulder. She turned around to see Mason and Sia standing there in all their glory. Before she could say anything, they both engulfed her in a bear hug. She was ecstatic to see them again, but their sudden affection took her by surprise.

"Guys can't breathe," Olivia said. Both of them exchanged knowing glances before engulfing her once more.

"Good," they all agreed.

They finally let Olivia breathe after a minute. "It's great to see you again, Livy," Sia spoke softly.

Caleb approached from behind.

"Livy, this is Caleb. He is our best friend. He came here shortly after you shifted. You are going to love him." Sia stated, oblivious to the fact that love is not what they feel for each other. It is far from it. There isn't even a likeness between them.

Caleb, however, was shocked to learn that Olivia was the one who was Sia and Mason's long-lost best friend. They were always blabbering about her.

"We already know each other. She is the one who is staying with me." Caleb told them, which made Sia squeal in delight.

"Oh my God! This is incredible. We will be able to spend a lot of time together."

Olivia murmured, "Yeah."

"Wow, a mini-reunion going on. So much fun." A voice came out of nowhere.

"Back off, Jenna!" Mason told her.

"Oh, Mason, come on. Our little Olivia finally came back after three years of hibernation." Jenna had a smug look on her face.

"Really, Jenna? After three years, you still have a vocabulary of five years old. I was expecting more colorful words. You know like Ms. Orphan, Ms. Suicidal, or Ms. Druggie. But instead, I got Olivia. I am really disappointed in you." Olivia rolled her eyes and smiled sarcastically.

Olivia was aware that Jenna would be fully conscious of her current situation because her father is a cop who was present at the time of her parent's deaths.

Livy's new attitude surprised Caleb. He was shocked to hear the word orphanage. He had no idea her parents were no longer alive. He could now grasp her unexpected visit to his home. He was now feeling worse than before because he had behaved so badly with her when she was already going through so much. And on top of that, he had made her life a living hell, where she would already be feeling hell without her parents in the picture.

"I see your attitude hasn't changed, even without your parents." Olivia's eyes darkened as a result of Jenna's words.

"And I see you are still dressed in your childhood clothes. Is money going tight for you? If you want, I can donate you some." Olivia retreated back and had a satisfied look on her face when some surrounding students chuckled.

"Olivia, don't mess with me. I can break you into a million pieces." Jenna was trying to threaten Olivia with her sharp words.

"Jenna, I am not afraid of empty threats. And you can't mess with someone who is already messed up. As for breaking me up, I am sorry to disappoint you, but you can't break someone who is already broken."

"What do you mean?"

"After so many years, your IQ is still the same. Well, I will explain. When a mirror is broken into a million pieces, would you be able to break it again?" Livy asked her like a teacher asking a five-year-old student.

"How can I break a piece that is already broken? You stated that the mirror is broken." Jenna was dumbfounded.

"That's exactly my point." With that, Olivia went to her class; followed by Sia, Mason, and Caleb.

Caleb recognized the underlying meaning of Olivia's words. 'A broken person can never be broken again because there is nothing left to lose.'

Olivia's new attitude, on the other hand, caught him off guard. No one has ever been able to deal with Jenna as well as she did. Yet, Olivia remains a mystery to him, which he intends to solve over time.

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