More than the Alpha's Daughter.

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"You are mine, you understand? Mine and no one else's. Shall I remind you? ," he growled into my ear.

By then, he had my back pressed up against the wall, his body trapping me to it. The tingles ran all over my body almost as if I were being electrocuted by every centimeter of skin that he touched. His scent drove me crazy with his hot breath fanning my lips.

Since I returned home, everything had been nothing but a roller coaster ride after locking eyes with him. From the moment my eyes found his, it's been Lewis. Lewis. Lewis.

Lewis Brody. Its not that I didn't want to be with him. I've been lying to myself.

Imagine this, what if your mate was the one person you couldn't be with? It was complicating and your pairing was obviously a complete mistake. Your family would never approve and your pack would die of shock if it was the truth. Not to make things worse, but you hate the living hell out of his sister as she does you.

I never wanted to be anybodys other half. I've seen rejection with my own eyes. I've seen how it is to be used. I've seen that its still possible to love someone else other than your mate.

But, secrets, that were once well-hidden, start slipping up and family and friends are not exactly reliable. And, when I have to choose either the light or dark, its not exactly easy either.

Life changes- fast. And everyone does too. Even myself.

Mates is what I thought was my biggest problem.

Until "I" became the problem myself.


If you like it, keep reading.

If you dont, just stop. Simple as that- No rude comments needed.

Im a music freak, so every chapter will most likely either be music, or pictures.

The following A/N is pretty important. Please do read. (:

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