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Joseph Carter's PROV
(((Pic of Joseph above ))))

"Here take this!"
the man in the formal suit told me while throwing the money at me from the back.

He quickly got out the cab while l counted his money.

He must have been late for work, l then glanced at the running man going into a tall building with his briefcase swinging at his every swift move. I let out a heavy sigh as l continued to do my next pickup, my shift was nearly finished as it was 9pm.

Another pick up and that would be me for the rest of the glorious night ahead .

I instantly smiled knowing l could go out to the pub later with a few friends for drinks.

Your probably a little confused but yes, l work as a taxi driver and have been doing it for 20 years since l came to New York from London. Now l know what your thinking , l must be about 40 years old but sadly no. I am 430 years old and a vampire. And defiantly not the kind your thinking of being evil , crazy and have long black hair with a cape. Although they do have the fangs right ill give them that. But anyways my name is Joseph Carter and l was 22 when l was turned so l still have the physical body of a 22 year old which is pretty much amazing if you ask me .

I still have my muscles and my good looks. My friends are all mythical creatures as well, we all met each other at different points but we all came together at the end. My ex for instance , l know it might be weird for a ex to be your friend but we have never really had a problem while dating other people while the other is around so l guess it doesn't matter. We broke up 3  months ago because she was just too clingy.

For me as a man...

l might be old fashioned but l always thought men should be the one chasing the girl around rather than the opposite but that's just my opinion.

The opening of the car then startled me out my thoughts as l proceeded to start the cab to the destination .Once l arrived home l quickly shoved on a white top that was a little tight so l could bulge out a little.

I then shoved on black trousers and heard one of my friends beeped their horn of their car to tell me to get a move on. Once l was ready l grabbed my wallet and a leather jacket and went into the dusty red truck .

"Hey dude, how's today been? "

Mark my best friend chirped, he always was interested since there was so much drama with my work. Being a vampire l could hear everything , for example if someone was having a heated conversation on their phone. I could sense peoples emotions.

I also know of what people are thinking although with my friends l cant because they are all supernatural. While mark was a demon , you could probably tell though , with his jet black hair and eyes matching, he never wore anything other than black and he wasn't the most tanned person l've ever met so he kind of looked like a Goth.

"Well it was okay, a couple were a little drunk at the end of the day but besides that nothing really happened from the usual "l said seeming bored.

"Well what a coincidence , l am going to get you so drunk that you wont remember any of it and we will all have a good time for once while we are altogether ".

I laughed at his eagerness and fell into a comfortable silence while the truck was passing through the dark hours of the night. The pub came into view and l already saw the rest of my friends outside getting out their cars and waiting to walk in together. I first saw Sharon who lve already spoke about being my ex ,who is also a witch and is the typical bad girl chick with the black hair and tattoos with the "don't mess with me vibe "just screaming at everyone.

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