Blast from the past

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We both were seated in the large restaurant.

It was very comfortable though. There was a large fire place at one side giving off a beautiful fiery glow which only a few dim lights around us. It was fairly busy and people were talking to one another enjoying their meals and glasses of wines.

I did notice though that when we walked through the building to our table. A few people that were already seated in the room looked over to us and nodded. Joseph just carelessly nodded back with authority and continued sitting down like nothing happened.

"What was that?. Why are they looking at you"

I said confused . "They are all mystical creatures who live here. Im one of the head masters in this town and really at the end of it, l decide what happens if there is any trouble. My friends that you met are apart of it and help me." He spoke casually. I was shocked

"Wow, that's awesome"

I said in awe. He just turned at grinned over at me proudly. We both laughed a little until the waiter came over. "Would you like anything sir, madam?". The man was in his 40's he was nothing like that waitress we had the other day. He was very professional and gave off that he has been working here for years. "Yes, l would like the chief special, darling?"

He said glancing at me. I giggled

" Yes me too" I said giving a smile to the waiter who was a little impatient to go to another table. When he quickly left l around me again noticing a few people were getting ready to leave "We arnt to late are we?, people are leaving." I said concerned. "No its fine, it doesn't shut until hours " I said dismissively. "I feel like l know really not a lot about you Soph. You know everything about me but there's nothing l really have on you" He said already staring at me like he could try and figure it all out himself. "You don't give off much "He said as he chuckled lightly while taking a glass of water. Uh oh not this again, one thing l hate is talking about my past. It makes me feel nervous and brings me down even if l am happy just now. "Uh well.. I grew up in an orphanage. I ..." I was interrupted suddenly "No,no. Like really know you . I already know about that. Tell me other things. The little details. I want to know" He said staring at me intently. I took a deep breath while thinking. "I like the colour red. I love the outdoors. I used to love running , but stopped when l had to work constantly. I had no other boyfriends except Callum. I kept to myself.."

I was interrupted again

"Do you still love Callum"

He said lowly without any emotion his face was completely blank. His eyes held all of his emotions though like they were some day going to explode .

Once he spoke though his eyes held shock, like he never intended to say it out loud. I bit my lip before he could reply "No" I said completely honest. "I did , but after what happened. I dont feel anything. I dont know what l feel anymore. But its sure not love" I said looking away. It wasnt just Callum though that was confusing, l could put him aside but Joseph. I felt like sometimes he gave me mixed emotions. And its dahm well fustrating if l can tell if he likes me or not.

Because the more and more time l spend time with him. The more l think l really like him. I dont know if its just maybe a crush. But what l have with Joseph, was nothing like l had with Callum. I then noticed Joseph still concentrating what l was saying until l noticed is features were a little, unintense. He looked better some how but l never called on it as l continued.

"I have always wished to have a family. My life goal was to meet my parents or even know about them. I was always so curious when l was younger. I wanted to be picked to be adopted as well and l never did. It was so heart-breaking and infuriating making a friend and knowing them for about two days before they got adopted and left me stuck in the one place for the rest of my life. I was treated horribly. My temper was always rising. I felt it was so unfair , no one could be there for me. Everyone else had their adoptive parents and l had no one. The people who looked after is , gave us choirs after choirs . We rarely had fun and they all told us that if we ever misbehaved we would be put into a dark room where..."

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