The Diner

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With a shake l wake up from my slumber.

"Ugh... Mother?" I heard a shy voice say.

"Stop calling me that, its annoying and l sound old" I grumbled with my eyes still closed.

"Okay... I brought you a coffee" Kim said more of a question than a statement. With her words my eyes shot open and took my coffee that she was holding out to me.

I then sat up and took a sip while muttering a thank you. I wasn't until a couple of minuets later l noticed she was still standing there watching my every move.

"What?" I groaned, feeling the grumpiness within me from getting awakened from my sleep.

"Its just... ". With a bang off the table l put my coffee on she jumped "Spit it out Kim!" I said agitated.

"Well, what do l call you then if l cant call you mother." She whispered.

Any other person would fail to hear her but with my ability l heard her just fine.

"My actual name is Sophie, you as my assistant will refer to me as Sophie. Although when we get back to town. You will refer to me as mother in front of people that have supernatural abilities. I don't want to have a sloppy reputation now do l" I said getting up and stretching before taking my clothes and going into the bathroom to change.

Kim stayed silent and sat down on her bed because she was already changed. Not long after l came back out and motioned towards the door.

"Lets go to the diner. We can get our lunch for us to start the day" I said picking up my long black cloak and swinging it on my shoulders as l walked elegantly outside with Kim at my tail.

As we approached the diner, Kim looked a little tired although l was fine from the extra fitness training. I smiled at her trying to keep up. Maybe l am a bit hard on her. I mean, she's kindly accepted my job without really any explanation which reminds me. I waited until we entered the diner and sat down across from each other in the booth.

I sighed before continuing. "So Kim. I think l owe you an explanation because this must be really sudden for you and l.." She interrupted.

"No its fine really its not sudden at all. You saved me at the right moment and l took my chance when you offered. " She said confidently which has been the first since we had met.

"Okay then. That's good to know l guess." I said slightly smiling in reassurance.

" But really my story is kind of full of tumbled obstacles and its confusing but l hope l dont confuse you too much" She nodded and waited for me to continue.

"Three years ago. I didn't know about any of this. Nothing about anything supernatural to be specific. I then met Joseph who is a vampire and a leader of the town l had moved to with my just then ex boyfriend when l had found him sneaking about with my then best friend. Joseph had then kindly took me in even when l was still practically a stranger. We then got a lot closer and then he told me about supernaturals. He told me this when we had found Ajax, our son. He is not really ours by blood but we saved him from mists that tried to kill him. Do you know about the myth of Ajax?". With a shocked nod l continued

"Well he had marked me and Joseph as his parents, and from then on we all were a family and were close to the point that we would do anything for each other. So while another leader tried to kidnap Ajax as he was working with the mists. I was having visions and was in another place completely with Josephs grandmother who is a which and before l knew it l had found out what l was and was making the decision to leave for good to be trained by Constance and leave Joseph behind probably thinking l was either dead or had moved on. At that time Ajax had just been kidnapped by Trey who is the other leader who is  trying to desperately to have the parent role of Ajax so he can kill him but still have the extra powers once he does. So here l am, making my way back home and trying to save Aj and protect my family of monsters and my actual one." With a look of Kim she had her whole mouth open and was staring at me like l had two heads. I sniggered slyly and muttered

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