Saving Ajax Part One

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 It had been two hours since Joseph told us all the plan for tonight.

Since then we have all just rummaged around the house. I got to catch up on the latest news from Chloe's and Fin's daughter Lacey how she is now starting nursery. I felt so old even thinking about it. Although it made me feel bad because it just showed how long lve not been here.

Ive got to admit l do now realise how hurtful it must have been with everyone making a friend and her just disappearing and now reappearing out of the blue.

Even from Joseph, no matter how much l think about it. We had something, a connection.

Maybe things would have been different between us both if l would have stayed here during these three years but then

l wouldn't be in this position just now where l would be able to save Ajax.

I looked around me as Chloe and Fin began talking about something different that l just had no clue about. They began bickering away as l noticed Joseph wasn't around anywhere to be seen.

Drake and Kim were too busy talking at one corner of the room, being all romantic and stuff while Mark sat on the sofa drinking a bottle of beer while watching the football.

I sighed before making my way over to him. I then grabbed the half empty bottle and threw it in the bin. "Hey?! I was drinking that?" Mark said sadly like he was a little boy getting his toys taken from him.

I shook my head while looking him in the eyes. "I don't care that you drink alot Mark. But it wont be tonight. I need you sober as ever, sorry" I shrugged my shoulders as he huffed and continued watching the tv.

I then went outside to get some air when l realised that Joseph was sitting down on the swing sofa that was just outside next to his cabin. He sat there completely silent looking out into the forest with his breath-taking eyes like burning flames.

The fog rolled over the ground making the city look spine chilling. I then quietly made my way over to him, sitting next to him. He never even glanced at me as he continued to stare into the wilderness. "Im sorry for before" I stated silently, "I shouldn't have acted the way l did, l had no idea that he would do that" I sighed making me annoyed even thinking about it.

"Its okay, you never knew. To be fair l should be the one apologising to you. I hated the fact that you were seeing another guy, especially because it was your ex." I never made any comment at his words.

It surprised me more than it could have though. Why would he hate it though?. He wouldn't still have feelings for me would he?. Nah l wouldn't even think about it twice. It has been too long, he would have never have thought of me in that way.

"I'm also sorry for not saying thank you... I mean your the one who acted and made a choice to save Ajax. I may have thought wrong of you, hell even hated you at some points for it but in the end you were the one in the right. You left everything behind...including me and that's why l was so heartbroken. That's why l broke up with Sharon because l couldn't stand knowing that you were here, and l was with another girl." He sighed his emotions pouring out of him.

I listened carefully to his words, letting him say how he felt because l knew he didn't do it often for just anyone.

I felt somehow a glimpse of sorrow in his words, he didn't look upset about breaking up with Sharon. Although he did look upset with the fact that l was here.

Did he think l was ruining things for him?.

I was cut off my a scoff which made me narrow my eyes at him now frowning at me. "No Sophie l dont think your ruining things for me, not even a little bit" He said making me realise that he had been listening to my thoughts the whole time.

I keep forgetting he is a vampire and can listen to peoples inner thoughts when he wanted to. I looked away, my cheeks going pink by my thoughts but a tinge annoyed that he listened in the first place.

"I'm sorry for leaving, l shouldn't have left the way l should have but when l actually found out l never had enough time, you were sleeping and in that moment. I thought better just to leave in that time. I know the note wasn't enough but in a way nothing ever could have been. If things were different and you were awake at that time then l don't think l wold have ever left." I mutedly spoke feeling the regret pile up in me.

Thinking about it made me feel horrible. I wish l could go back to the way things were but l couldn't and the three years were gone.

My eyes began to water as l looked at Josephs hurt face. There were so much pain in his eyes. I couldn't even imagine the things he must have faced in these past three years. He was the one who stuck his ground and continued to try and save Ajax.

I then felt a soft gentle hand touch my wet cheek, l blinked up to see Josephs handsome face. His eyes never left mine as l blocked out everything around me in that moment. It was like it was only us two. He slowly lent in towards my face, our noses touching as we both closed our eyes.

My breathing began to increase as the feeling was overwhelming me.

He then leant in more as his lips softly brushed my lips.

"Hey you guys!, come on we need to start moving. Its time" I heard Chloe's voice making us both split apart.

Suddenly l felt cold and alone but l shook it off anyways. Joseph then stood up and put out his hand as he smiled cheekily, making me grin up at him in protest. We both walked inside. Gathering everything we could to take with us that would protect us from anyone getting the better of us.

"Wait a minute how are we actually going to get there?" Mark said confusingly as Fin nodded his head.

"Yeah it would probably talk hours as well". He huffed in response.

I smirked while catching a glimpse at Kim smiling.

"I could help with that little problem." They all turned to me and raised their eyebrows. Joseph then spoke while walking towards me. "I don't see how you can do that Sophie" He began chuckling before the others joined in. I scoffed. "Where is it exactly?". "What the castle?" Chloe spoke in humour. With a nod she responded. "Paincristel road" She said folding her arms with a slight smirk.

With a blink, l transported them all in front of the castle itself.

Everyone landed on the ground with a thud except me of course, shows them right thinking l couldn't do something.

My grin couldn't have got any wider seeing all of their shocked and exasperated faces.

"Hummphh" I then turned my back on them and began to eagerly walk towards the torturous castle.

The castle was surrounded by the large dark leafless trees as the city was brilliantly lit by the moon. It wasnt long before l heard a bunch of footsteps trail behind me until Joseph was by my side, he then took my hand in his as we made our way towards the grim castle.

This is it this is the moment that we fight.

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