A Walk In The Park

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I woke up with Aj still in my arms. ( picture of Sharon above ^^^)

He was still sleeping softly and was so cute , l had to hold back my coo.

He really was one of a kind . I then heard my room door opening to reveal Joseph. He seemed extra cheery this morning and l think l knew why. Ever since l said yes to helping him with Ajax but not yet revealing ld be his mother. He has been thanking me the whole time.

I quickly put my finger up to my mouth to say for him to be quiet.

He got the picture as his mouth formed an 'o' and seen the sleeping child next to me. He then walked slowly around the bed on Ajax's side and picked him up carefully.

He made a little weak noise but then l think he feel asleep again. He then put him in the living room, where Joseph must have moved his cot . I then got out of bed and walked casually into the living room with the rest of them. I could hear joseph was making breakfast and see a sleeping Aj in the corner of the room where he wouldn't hear the clatter from Joseph .

I sighed tiredly and sat down on the wooden dinning chair and laid my heavy head on the table. A few moments later

l heard a familiar chuckle.

"Well you could have just said if you were still tired. I would have let you sleep" he spoke as he put my breakfast in front of me with a cup of coffee. I yawned in reply and shook my head. "Im fine just a little tired. This will surely help me"

I said motioning to my strong cup of coffee.

He smiled as he began taking bites out of his breakfast. A comfortable silence surrounded us until l was nearly finished. Hey l was thinking.." He said still looking at his food. I looked up to see him , he was smirking a little like he was clueless to what l was going to say but l waited until he finished. " Uh.. Why don't we all go to the park. I ordered a pram for him online and it was delivered this morning. We could all go out together since its such a nice day."

He said not meeting my gaze. I couldn't help but giggle at his attempt. He was so cute when he blushed.

"Yes of course. Uh... Ill just go and feed Aj and then ill get dressed and we can go. "

I said standing up ."You call him Aj?"

He said with a slightly amused tone in his voice. I stopped dead in my tracks. "uh, yeah sure l do" I said with a smile.

"You go and get dressed, lm already dressed so l can get Aj sorted"

He said chuckling at the nickname. I laughed and walked away down the hall into my room to try and find something to wear. Soon after l showered, l decided on a white jump suit with a cream coloured cardigan that was knitted. With little white pumps.

I straightened my hair and put on some light makeup on.

My hair looked extra dark today. It was usually brown with a few natural highlights in it but today it looked close to black which was unusual considering l have been in the sun all week.

I then looked in the mirror closely to find my face more skinner as well.

It was really like my whole body got thinner. It wasn't too skinny because l still had it in the right places but it was still a lot skinnier than before. My check bones had risen and my lips seen more plump and my eyes where a lot more darker.

What was happening to me?

I screeched at the top of my lungs until someone laid their gentle hand on my shoulder.

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