New Assistant

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Before l could take a nasty fall to the ground l landed on the black path perfectly on two feet.

I looked up to my surroundings to see l was in some kind of dark ally way. I was in the middle of town somewhere.

Why was l not at Newton City?

This didn't look familiar at all. I cursed as l walked sharply towards the end of it before l heard a loud screech.

I turned around swiftly ready for my attacker as l realised the screech from not far back from where l landed. I looked closely to find a girl that was around my age on the ground with her back against the wall looking up at 4 boys who were also around the same age.

I narrowed my eyes and stayed silent as they spoke.

"Get away from me! "The girl screeched. The boys in response though just laughed.

"You really think we are just going to leave you Kim. After everything you have done to us!. Really?" One of them said menacingly.

He then bent down and gripped her throat. "Listen to me. I am going to make it my goal that you suffer. Do you understand. Because l don't think you know how serious this is at all!" They started to sneer at her and she sobbed.

"Get away from me!" She screeched again which made me want to do something. So this is why Constance sent me here?. I guess this will be fun. I smirked and walked closer, making sure l would surprise them.

Shockingly though l smelt something.

I stopped dead in my tracks...

A wolf ?.

I turned around to see if anyone was behind me. When l saw no one l turned back again to see the glowing orange eyes of all 5 of them growling at eachother.

Even the girl was growling at them too.

Well this is a surprise!

Before l could even blink though l had watch the girl easily take out all 4 of the boys who were there taunting her. I stepped back into the shadow as l watched her take them all out.

Her moves were alot faster than a normal werewolf. I remember reading a book all about them.

Only alphas were capable for that amount of strength and speed.

But she is too young to be an alpha. Not long after when she had finally finished l walked towards her making sure l didn't step on any of the boys who were knocked out cold by her. Her breathing was quick and fast as she put her hands on her knees. Not even knowing l was only a few steps away from her. I then saw her nose twitch. I watched as she then stood up straight and meet my gaze before her orange brownish eyes widened with worry.

Her first response came straight out

" Eve?".

I laughed humourlessly and looked around me at the boys who had a alot of bruises. Ouch, that's going to hurt in the morning.

"Even if l was 'Eve'. You sure wouldn't know her" I said glancing at her petrified stance.

" I....I don't. My father always told me about her. He was an alpha. He always told me stories about her when l was little. That you could sense her , it would give you a powerful aura that she was here. Its the exact same with you." She whispered , a little afraid of what l could do.

At least l now know that she has alpha blood. That would explain the more power she has for someone so young. "Im her daughter." I said looking at her, wondering if telling her was a mistake. Who could she possibly tell anyways.

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