The Blackout part 1

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I sucked in a deep breath at his attempt at just being funny.

I felt something within me spark every time l glanced at his venom eyes or heard his sly voice that made me want to rip out my ears.

What was even worse was that he was holding Aj. Temping me to come and try and save him. Knowing full well if l gone one step closer he would either kill Aj or me. I couldn't risk his life though. His life was on my hands.

He was staring at me with intense purple eyes.

I could pratically see his mind doing flips trying to work out this situation he was in.

Though no 2 year old would ever understand.

I felt tears streak my face out of utter terror. Not afraid but pure rage.

I could hear Joseph coming closer attacking the following mists as he tried his best to reach me.

"Trey, dont you DARE hurt him!, Sophie stay back!"

He said angrily as he grunted ripping off the mist's head completely.

Then suddenly l seen Trey reach into his back pocket and twirl around

a long pointy knife that was coming closer and closer to Aj's neck even though he was completely oblivious looking at the large wolf and dragon attacking their opponents.

I then began to feel a little dizzy.

I couldn't take it any longer. I quickly felt my knees get weaker and my eyes begin to fall carelessly.

"No" I  whisper moaned feeling the horrible tiredness feeling take over. I didn't feel tired though and knew it must been the way l was feeling.

Was l going into shock?.

I felt myself slump to the ground and the blackness take over hearing my name being called frantically and l felt myself lift from the ground into someone's chest

"Sophie!, answer me!"

I couldn't move though.

It was like l was going into a large dark tunnel.

Taking over me more and more.


I woke up with another thud.

Ahh that hurts!

I cursed openly.

I opened my eyes to see yet the same forest l had seen in my dream.

I groaned.

I haven't got time for this.

How did l just go to sleep though at a time like this?.

Really Sophie?!

I looked around once again to find no one but my in this same spot l had in the dream before. I stood up stiffly and shouted not amused at all.

"Hello, is anyone there?. I really like to not dream about this at this particular moment!"

I said to practically nothing. I groaned again, l then started to pinch myself.

First my hands, my arm and my knees. My face became even more confused. I would have usually woken up but l could feel anything. I didn't feel like l was in a mid daze either. It was like it was happening in real life. I shook my head silently laughing to myself.

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