First Date

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Once l returned from the woods,

l made sure not to get caught by Joseph.

I had this feeling l shouldn't tell him just now. He would probably just freak out even more. I cant deal with that, l need to figure it out myself. Once l ran into my room got showered and changed into some clothes. Proud of myself for not getting caught l walked into he living room.

I then seen Joseph was talking on the phone , his voice with in a low panic but he never showed it. He seemed calm and collective from what l saw. He then sighed heavily and put the phone done just in time for me to sit next to him on the couch.

"Are you okay?"

i asked hesitantly.

"That was just Drake, he has been telling me for about a week now that he can feel something is going to happen. I cant help but tell him its probably nothing though. He says its getting stronger everyday. So he wants to call for a meeting with all the super naturals locally. I think he is just getting paranoid form the mists though. They have been coming regularly now but l just hope that they keep well away from us. Ajax is to important for us to lose. He needs to be safe"

I nodded along with his words until he spoke again " The meeting is today , it will take more than a few hours , so l invited Chloe to come along to keep you some company with Ajax".

"Wait isnt Chloe an Angel?, will she not be going to the meeting?" .

"No, she doesn't like to be involved in anything mystical related.

We keep her out of it. Her parents both were killed by Mists when she was young. She has promised herself , she wouldn't be a part of it. They had took her parents away from her and she was devastated. She wants nothing to do with that side ever again. She never has."

He said with sympathy. I felt terrible for her. I didn't want to ask her though when she came. She was always so cheery and happy as well when l seen her. Im glad ill have her with me today for some girl time. Except Ajax of course but hes practically a baby. "Also uhm..." He said unable to say the words. I frowned a little "Just spit it out Joseph"

I said uncaring. He then looked up and into my eyes as he spoke.

"ugh... Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?" He said with a smile. Its so funny how he can be a stern, possessive, strong willed manly guy. But then he just proves me wrong sometimes and comes to me like a little teddy bear asking a girl on a date. I couldn't help but laugh. " Like on a date?" I asked expectedly, l wanted to tease him a little , might aswell.

He looked shocked at my answer but proceeded anyways

" ...Yeah?"

he said looking at me waiting for an answer.

When l never gave him one though his whole body slumped and looked away from me. I then giggled as l wrapped my arms around his large frame and hugged him tightly. " Of course ill go out on a date with you" I said with a laugh.


He said murmuring something like that was a close one.

I laughed even more and then he went into his room to get changed. I looked around the living room to find the cot in the corner of the room again with Ajax sleeping soundly. He was so cute when he slept. It made my heart melt. I then sat down again and flicked through channels for an hour until Joseph had waved goodbye and told me Chloe would be here soon. I felt bored waiting on her so l began to do some tidying up. I cleaned my room, the toilet, the hall, the living room and the kitchen. I decided weather to tidy Josephs room but l didnt do it.

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