Just A Dream

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I was walking slowly but elegantly through the dark.

I was hard to see where l was going but l let my feet take me through the darkness. I could hear the faint sounds of howls and birds fly over head, as if warning me for what was about to happen. The further l went, the more mystical and spellbinding it became. Huge roots spread-eagled the ground, twisting like the great backs of sea dinosaurs.

The foliage became thick and lush, forming an arch of fairytale-green above our heads. Arthritic boughs, gnarled with age, dripped their bounty of nuts onto the path. Briars, brambles and berry trees flanked the trail, making it impenetrable on either side.

Shuffling noises came from deep in the interior, deadened by the cunningly woven web of leaves.

As I wade my feet through the quilt of leaves, I venture down into the depths of the dark woods. I feel as if one million beady eyes are observing every move I make. Leaves dart rapidly down to the ground. Birds hover above my head, whispering secrets to one another. Gnashed vines twist and turn, strangling the ancient oak tree. On the floor, the emerald grass is encrusted dewdrops like jewels. The exposed trees are stripped of their life and colour. Ivy grips and intertwines around the defeated gate. Minute delicate berries are tiny earrings amongst a beautiful face.

There are mazes of colossal trees, surrounding me but not intimidating. Cautiously and afraid of the many spooky and mysterious noises that come from all directions, surrounding me in curiosity. Suddenly something big and dark flaps across my path startling me into shock and almost fear. I find that it is an owl, which now sits on a high branch, cooing loudly as if to warn others of my humble presence in this wilderness. I now hear growling sounds form all over the forest getting louder and louder. I began to run through it.

How can l escape?. I knew it was hopeless trying to find a way out of a large forest but l had to try. I then stopped in my tracks of a high roar. It wasnt a bear, l could tell. I didnt even want to turn around but from the loudness of it , it seemed to close to be true. I was shaking. I didnt feel scared though, l was just nervous of what was happening to me. I could tell, things were changing and l had the strong feeling that it was closer than l thought.

When l slowly turned around my opened my eyes to gasp loudly at the scene enveloped infront of me.

There were hundreds of them, thousands even.

It wasn't a forest anymore, it was a large deserted land.

But not deserted filled with things l couldnt even imagine being real.


I could see large groups of all monsters lay infront of me and bowing at my presence. I seen wolves, dragons, sea monsters, ogres, shape shifters and so so many more.

This cannot be real?. My breathing quickend at them all staring at me, but not trying to scare me to help me. I had another feeling that l couldnt shake away this time.

They were my chidren.

I was there mother.

I woke up with a thud. It felt like l had fallen down on somewhere. My whole body hurt from a land. Did l fall off the bed?. I opened my eyes to find l was in the middle of a forest. Are you kidding me on?. It wasnt were l just was though. I could familiarise being here with Joseph. I knew my way back home. But how did l get here in the first place.

I was considering if someone just maybe had dropped me but l couldnt be sure, it sounded silly. Or maybe l was sleep walking. I have never done it before though,

why would l start now?. I stood up from my uncomfortable landing and looked around. I was starting to panic not knowing what was happening. I walked back a little. Looking around me. The sky was clear so it must have just been morning. I then turned to run back to the cabin .

Making sure l knew were l was going this time.

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