Two Can Play That Game

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After he started driving he kept looking over at me.

"So where we headed?" he spoke keeping his eyes on the road.

"ill phone Kim.".

"Whos Kim?".

"She's my assistant". He scoffed as l mind linked her


In an instant she replied. '''Yes Sophie?''''.

"Where are you because lm coming over , being at my friends place didn't really work out''' I spoke in my mind link while glancing over at Joseph.

He doesn't have a clue.

''' Aw that's a shame, well.. Anyways ill text you the address. See you soon.'''.

After showing him the address he drove me to a reasonable model building that looked like it was for the posh people in town. I looked around at the busy people in the streets each side of me while opening my door to get out. Joseph got out quickly and then gave me my luggage.

"Im sorry Soph it didnt work out a better way. I just hope you wont be mad at me." He said looking at me as l took my luggage.

"Oh, lm not mad" He then arched his eyebrow.

"Ugh... Your not?" He said disbelievingly.

I shook my head "Nope" Popping the 'p' as l said it.

"Ill come by your place at 4 tomorrow afternoon. Make sure everyone who is involved in this plan is present because we are getting our son back." I said before walking away with my luggage in hand towards the grand hotel.

"Wait... So soon" I ignored his comment and continued walking.

Once l told the reception, she gave me my key and number. Once l finally arrived at the room l opened the door to find Kim no where to be seen.

"Kim?" I said while putting my luggage in one of the bedrooms.

Wow this place was amazing.

The furniture must have cost thousands. Everything was gold and white. I lay on my bed and closed my eyes. I could really get used to this.

I opened them again suddenly though when l heard someone at the door.

"hello?" I said walking towards the front door.

"Room service mam" a French boy said . I opened the door. "But l never ordered anything?. "

"Yes but a young lady told me to give you this and told me to also give you this." He said while motioning towards the large food cart with everything on it and a white note that was folded. He then brought in the cart to the small kitchen while l read the note

''' Hey Sophie, just popped out to get some essentials. Be back soon. ''''

I sighed. Why cant she just be here when l need her.

I then put my coat on and decided to take a walk outside. It was around 5 in the afternoon so l decided it was for the best to get some air and alone time.

I walked out and just kept walking until l came across a large park that was filled with people walking in and out.

I decided to go and walk around admiring the beautiful flowery scenery. Not long later l sat down on a wooden bench that was set in amongst the bushy trees.

I closed my eyes hearing the shallow wind pass by my ears. I felt so peaceful, l hadn't felt like this in so long.

"Sophie? Sophie is that you?"

an all too familiar voice asked while l opened one eye .

It confirmed my thoughts when l seen a young man my age who had the same look after all of these years and still tried to speak to me may l add.

"Hey Callum" I said not the least bit fazed.

He smiled hearing my voice again and sat down next to me.

"long time no see" I blinked at his figure as he watched me like a hawk. I could feel his eyes travel all over my body.

"How have you been, l haven't seen you in..years!. You sure are different. In a good way l mean!" He stuttered which made me smirk.

"Well the last time l checked you were in custody for slapping your girlfriend about" I turned to him with a bored look. He looked worried and replied quickly. "No, it was all a lie. Im telling you Sophie. I swear it was a complete lie!. The police found out that she had set it all up.I know it was you who phoned them and they said that she tricked you into thinking she was pregnant. She made it all up. I would never hurt a fly never mind a human being!" He was pleading desperately as l eyes him closely.

Hearing his words did make sense to me.

The whole story made sense. I would have never have thought he would hit someone, but how could she do that to me. Lying about her beatings and even being pregnant!

I would have probably not have even considered his argument if l didn't know she was the one trying to steal Ajax from me with Trey. I looked away from his stressed agonising face as l watched the joyful people pass me in the park.

"I know". He stuttered before replying "Wait... You believe me?".

I nodded before looking at him again. "And to answer your questions a lot has happened to me throughout these years." I spoke in a low voice incase someone was listening.

I then turned my head to look into Callum's eyes. My voice became very justified and powerful as l asked him the question through my mind control.

Even though l believed him l needed to make sure he wasnt lying just in case.

By the second l looked at him in his eyes he looked emidetly controlled by me relying on my every word.

"Callum did you beat or hurt Lila" I spoke very slowly so he would understand every word.

"No Sophie" He said almost automatically which made me smile in reassurance and look away again as he shook his head from the trance.

He coughed before he spoke again.

"So what do you say we catch up on dinner?" He said quickly catching me out on my guard.

I shook my head in dismay. "Really?, your going to try that?" I laughed at his attempt.

"Ah, come on Sophie. At least give it a go. I havent seen you in years." he pleaded while l started thinking about Joseph.

Maybe l could at least make an effort to go out?.

Joseph has moved on ,

why shouldn't l?.

I thought about it as Callum continued to plead with his puppy eyes. "Fine, pick me up at 7 at the Garfield hotel" I said decently before walking away. I then heard a breath of happiness coming from behind me as he muttered a yes!. I smirked.

I guess l have missed Callum a little. It was kind of good seeing him after these past few years.

Maybe this will be my second chance?.

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