Starting a new chapter

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Sophies prov (Picture of cabin Josephs cabin above ^^^)

How did l get here?... From being a little shy girl that grew up in an orphanage with no home and starting out in my life a year ago when l was 18.

I had a little job in a restaurant as a waitress and thats how l found my now ex fiancé Callum.

We had everything planned , get a beautiful house once we saved up together and then get married and let fate lead the rest of the way.

After saving so much money, working late night and extra shifts at my work. Some times there might not have been any time for Callum for a few weeks because it was constant hard work keeping everything going smoothly .

And when we finally settled down in a little house in town we never heard of before that seemed quiet and away from his crazy past and my lost one, It felt right until now. 

I had to come home from a very exhausting day at work to find myself getting laid off .Because the boss's daughter wanted a job even though she has more money in her purse to last me a lifetime and is a spoilt brat to get my job. On top of that l came to home to hear my husband and best friend Lila having sex on my kitchen table!.

Ive never been so angry and furious at anyone in my life, l couldn't believe they both could do that to me. Still feeling that horrible sick feeling at the pit of my stomach even thinking about it. All of the love, hardwork and effort was resulting in this and it made me feel completely useless and fustrated with myself.

Once l stormed out of the house and into the taxi l noticed l had seen the driver at a pub a few weeks ago when l was out with my ex best friend Lila , who may l add that was flirting with other guys and ended up going home with one by her side... just to make myself clear!

While l turned down every guy who asked because and l quote ' in a perfect relationship'!

Yeah right ...keep telling yourself that Soph. Jokes on me.

I felt better though when l had that talk with that driver..

Putting my face in my hands l realized after all of this I don't even know his name?! , what is wrong with me! .

Going home with a complete stranger and moving in with him .

As l sat down on the bed exhausted with my thoughts as l fell back and felt my eyes drift into a deep sleep.

I was woken by my phone buzzing loudly.

I quickly looked at it noticing l had a text from Callum and 7 missed calls!.

What a complete and utter loser. I groaned as l looked at the text

Hey, l know your mad at me , but l am so sorry l really think we can make this work this time , trust me .I have no connection to your friend Lola and we both just went into the moment. I love you baby come home xx

I literally started to laugh at his stupid pathetic paragraph he just wrote .I texted back straight away feeling irritated

I want nothing to do with you , leave me alone!. I started a new life without you. And second of all her names Lila. twat!!!

l sent the text feeling satisfied with myself as l got up from the bed to explore the house a littleI don't need Callum in my life, but l couldn't help not ignoring the painful ache in my heart from his betrayal, why did he do that to me?.

As l passed through the hall the door next to my room was open and l knew that it must have been the drivers room.

My curious mind got the better of me as l peeked my head in to look around. Ive always believed you can tell by a person from their room.

It was a little similar to mines but with a lot more stuff and valuables with some large expensive looking paintings and a few guitars leaning on the dark blue wall. He seemed like quite a neat guy .

I instantly got a memory of Callum as he is the complete opposite with his mess lying everywhere and would leave the toilet seat up constantly .

To confirm my suspicions l looked into the bathroom and it was spotless. He had a very large one and a mini Jacuzzi at the corner of the room. Everything was gold and black which made the whole place seem very modern and new. Walking into the living room it was gorgeous and very cosy looking and had lots of sculptures of mannequins that suited the living room perfectly with once again the expensive paintings that were on the walls. The kitchen was massive and had everything l could think of. I checked my watch and seen it was 10pm , he should be here in a couple of hours hopefully.

I made my way to the fridge to grab something to eat. I picked out a sandwich and sat down on the sofa and turned the TV on while l ate.

I felt so hungry, so the sandwich didn't take long to eat. I was flicking through the channels whilst l settled for an episode of Friends  which of course everyone had watched about a million times. 

Once it was finished l made my way back to my room to start to unpack since l was too tired to do it before. I never really had a lot of stuff because l didn't really go out that often. It was just constant work. So it was mostly casual clothes l had in my suitcase and toiletries. 

I never really wore pj's to bed usually just a long baggy top with panties ,but l guess that will have to change if l am living here with this man who is still a stranger to me.

I found a pair of leggings and l smiled and gladly sighed in relief as it had saved my life. I changed into a baggy grey t shirt put on my leggings then brushed my long dark brown hair and made my way back into bed.

I didn't really want to be awake when the driver came back. It would just be kind of awkward l think, so l closed my eyes and hoped to fall asleep soon.

I then jumped at the sound of the house phone ringing.

Who could be phoning at this time?!.

I never moved a muscles as l proceeded to wait it out until the answering machine came on. Once it stopped ringing l could hear a woman's voice in a very posh tone

"Hey Joseph, its me !.I know you'll be at work so l just wanted to see if you would wanna come and take me out somewhere...maybe l could come by your place after you finnish... Let me know when you get this .Love you bye!!!.

She sounded extra cheery. Rolling my eyes l wondered why anyone would phone someone at this time of night unless it was a emergency.

Joseph must be the drivers name, l think it suits him to be honest. My mind drifted to him for a while before l thought about the girl on the phone.

Was she his girlfriend?

He seemed like a man who has kept to himself most of his life.

It was crazy how l felt so calm in his company. When he spoke to me in the taxi , l felt like l wanted to hear those exact words my whole life. But no one had said it until now.

Ending my thoughts l saved it for another day closing my eyes again and going into another deep sleep

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