1: Broken

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“It’s too dangerous, Sky!” James yelled at me, “Fuck, you could die! There is no way I’m letting my baby sister go out on the street and walk around with those druggies… not to mention rapists! You’re not going to the race and that’s final!”

“You aren’t mom or dad,” I rolled my eyes.

Overprotective brothers suck: first off, street races were not even that bad, second, there weren’t any rapists that I talked to, third, I can take care of myself. An eighteen year old street rat like me could survive almost anything that a cockroach could – except nuclear bombing and beheading. In short, I’m just freaking amazing. Well, that's a complete lie, I'm not actually amazing at all. I'm a loser but that didn't really matter.

So I didn’t need a brother to keep me from doing whatever the hell I wanted to do.

He’s just holding you back, dumby. You don’t need anyone. Just yourself.

Who is that?

You know that stupid voice in your head, you have one too.

Ah, well it’s nice to meet you.

James is preventing you from what you really want to do – be free of the past. To forget everything that happened in the past and that means everything. Don’t think I’m just talking about that nasty burrito you bought at Taco Bell yesterday.

It wasn’t nasty!

Well it went straight to your thighs…

I looked down at my thighs. They seemed the same size: no thinner and no larger. One burrito wouldn’t kill me.

Yes it will.

Shows how much you know.

“Are you listening to me Sky?” a hand prodded my shoulder, releasing me from the annoying conversation.

“Yeah, yeah,” I shrugged.

“Don’t leave the house. I don’t want to catch you out again or I will make sure that you aren’t leaving your room!”

“So I don’t have to go to school anymore?!”

He shook his head, “I didn’t say that. Now get upstairs and go to bed. Don’t want to be drowsy on the second day of school, right?”

I sighed, “When have I ever cared?”

“Well okay, bye Sky, there’s food in the fridge if you’re hungry,” he said with his coat in his hand. His lips touched the top of my head before he jogged out the front door, slamming it. The lights of his car flashed into the window as he pulled out and drove away.

And I sat there, looking at the dark brown table top. If my brother wanted me to stay here, why wouldn’t he at least leave me something interesting to do? Maybe a puzzle? No, that’s boring, what was I just thinking? Drugs and alcohol weren’t even in my system (nor did I want them to be).

There’s no way I’m going to just sit here at this stupid table all night when my brother is out street racing his former best friend, Fisher. They were like the cat’s pajamas of racing around here. It was a rare day when one beat the other and it’d be when hell froze over that I’d miss that. Because he’s my brother and I sadly do care if he wins or not, even if he’s way too protective of me.

I silently jumped onto the counter, pushing the window up, and slipped out easily. Only losers use doors. I closed it back up as best as I could without making a horrendous squeaking noise. But from there I could see perfectly across the yard, I saw the Johnsons and Fisher’s parents walking around in the yard. They were all weeding the front islands of trees and flower beds or whatever.

“I have to go now!” Fisher yelled at his father from an arm’s length away. I frowned at them. He was so fortunate to have parents to care for him and be worried, “I’m sorry, I really am!”

“Fisher Ian Johnson, you don’t turn your back on me you spoiled brat!”

I tuned out their conversation, walking down the driveway to our mailbox. I didn't think much of the family itself - Fisher seemed like the only strange one. I mean, his parents were the book type people, kind of like me, but he was just helpless when it came to stuff like that. I would know, we used to be close, I guess. The quarreling continued until Fisher jumped into his black Mercedes and pulled out of the driveway. The squealing of the tires was enough to make me sick. There would be an interesting race tonight.

Oh wait. How the hell will I get downtown?

I shrugged to myself. I guess that I really didn't care, like normal... My brother's grasp would finally loosen around my neck if I ran off and never came back. I needed to get the hell out of this place sometime soon. I closed the mailbox roughly. The stupid thing wouldn't even shut normally... I shrugged to myself. Honestly, I didn't really care that much about going to the damn race. I just wanted to be a rebel and stick it to my brother, the man. But, I was happy at home too, I guess. I skipped happily up the hot pavement back to the front door of the house. Unfortunately, I left the key in my bag on the kitchen floor. Well, I guess I will have to climb in through the window, again.

There was a revving noise and the familiar black Mercedes pulled into the driveway. The window slowly moved down, clicking when it reached the bottom of the frame.

“Robinson, why the hell are you still here?” he shouted.

I looked down at my shoes, “Jay won’t let me go.”

“Hell, it’s better there than it is in this fucked up place,” he stared blankly at me, “Get in the car, Robinson.”

“Uh, no. Last I checked, we weren’t on the same side.”

His window rolled up and he backed out of the driveway, going down the street.

Okay then?

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Author's Note: I'm uploading this story to Wattpad pretty quickly because I used to be on Quizilla and made the switch here (because let's face it, this website is high TECH!) and this first chapter on Quizilla had over 4,000 views.

And I want to share this story because I worked hard on it. I might even edit it a little ;).

- Emma

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