11: Jumping

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“You’re kidding me, right? Fisher has feelings,” Joel and I exited the pizza place, walking hand in hand. I hopped back into Joel’s car. He was gay! I knew it! Not really. But not a lot of people did and he liked to keep it that way – he had a big reputation to keep up and he didn’t want people to think of him differently. I could understand that, I think.

He would be mocked because he was different.

And no one in high school likes different people. No.

I drained my thoughts from my brain and began listening again.

“It's true. He likes you more than you think. In fact, he’s probably crazy about you. That’s why he has that whore for a girlfriend and not someone as downright sexy as you!”

I pushed my head back into the seat of his car, “But how do I…?”

It was so awkward in my mind still. Talking to a guy about another guy. It seemed foreign. Most guys, like my brother, would just walk out of the room. Joel was listening. With his ears!

“It’s easy,” Joel smiled, “All you have to do is take him back. He doesn’t care about her at all and he’d probably drop everything for you. The way he acts by pushing you around and what you’ve told me tell me that. It’s so obvious! You would make a cute couple!”

“I guess…”

“And I know exactly what we can do. We are going to screw him over,” he smiled, “We’re going to make Fisher Johnson wish that he was with you. All we need to do is bribe the cheerleader, glam you up, make some drama and BAM! It will work out perfectly! It’s fool proof!”

“Okay,” I laughed, “How?”

“Leave it to me. I can do anything!”

“Fine,” he stopped the car outside my house, "Race you to the door?"

"Psh," I jumped out, running as quickly as I could.

I, of course, won. I’m the bomb, what can I say. I mean really, no guy in their right mind would challenge me to a race, psh. Most people knew my brother was a bad ass and was pretty good at any kind of racing. Even on foot, he was fast as hell.

“I win,” I touched the doorknob.

“Mhm,” he smiled, “Bye Sky, I love you!”

“I love you too!” I kissed his lips lightly, feeling nothing. He definitely wasn’t… the one. When I reached for the door again, it was wide open. Emily was inside my house.

“Er, hey Em.”

“Hello, I was looking for you everywhere! Damn girl I nearly lost you! Who is this dude, the replacement of Fisher?”

“Nope, this is Joel Peterson.”

“Hi,” he waved shyly, “I love your hair. It’s cute.”

“Thanks,” she blinked twice. I don’t think she caught on though.

“See you tomorrow, Sky!” he jumped off the steps and ran back to his car. He was gone in a matter of seconds.

“So?” I smiled at her, “What did you want?”

“You know the Chemistry test we have tomorrow? I need some, er, help.”

“Okay, fine,” I walked to the kitchen and dropped my backpack on the floor, sitting at the table. She sat across from me. Her books were already spread over the table, covering every inch of the thing. Her binder was open, papers everywhere, but at least they were all the same subject…

“First off, what the heck is the Planck’s Constant?”

“Some weird ass number. 6.62 something times ten raised to the negative thirty…. fourth power?”

“Oh. Wait, so it doesn’t have to do with the number of times that Plankton doesn’t get the secret formula in SpongeBob?”

“No Emily, it doesn’t.”

I heard some footsteps. Oh, I know who that is!

James walked into the kitchen shirtless, scratching his head. He sauntered across the tiles toturn on the coffee machine. I looked at him, noticing something completely like James. He wasn’t wearing pants – he wore his boxers. The ones I bought him for his birthday with the words “BITE ME” all over them and some half bitten cookies. I almost thought about keeping those… and I swear that when I looked at Emily, she was drooling. She was in love with him still? Come on, this is just ridiculous; they don’t even talk to each other and they like each other? I wish it was that way with Fisher and I…


“What!” she jumped.

“Maybe James can explain this to you?”

“What’s up?” he opened up a cabinet. He pulled out a coffee mug and set it on the counter.

“Could you come here for a second and explain Planck’s Constant to Emily?”

He walked over to the table and stood next to her, “Planck’s constant is the relationship between frequency and energy. It’s just a number. There’s not much else to it.”

“O-o-oh. Okay,” she looked up at him. He looked at her. I could feel the temperature of the room rising. Emily’s hands were shaking, barely holding the pencil in her hand. She was so nervous that it was cute!

“I’m not that good at Chemistry. Maybe James can help you?”

“Sky,” she said quietly, “I think he’s busy.”

He glanced over at me, “No, I’m not, just let me get dressed, err, yeah,” he left the room.

“He liiiiiiikes you! He likes you!” I shouted at her, “You should be thanking me.”

She blushed, “Shut up, he does not! How does my hair look?” She touched her perfect hair nervously. She always had perfect hair. Always. And it wasn’t a wig.

“You’re stupid, it looks great, I have to go now, bye!” I picked up my backpack and ran to my room. Well, not before stopping at James’ room.


“I owe you,” he kissed my forehead.


“Well, you know I like Emily and I just never have gotten the chance to really know her.”

“I knew it.”

“Twerp,” he messed up my hair with his hand, “Thanks.”

“Not a problem,” I skipped to my room and closed the door. My phone vibrated in my pocket.

-The plan is ready!

-Thanks for everything Joel. =]

-My pleasure. I need something in return though…

-What would that be?

-Matt? Can you get him to… ask me out?

-That might be tough =/. I’ll try!

-K, that’s good enough for me.

What had I gotten myself into?

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