6: Lies

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“This really isn’t easy to explain,” he looked down at his hands, “telling you the lies would be better but you deserve to know.”

“To know what? What the hell aren’t you both telling me?” I flipped out, “Sorry. Tell me.” I sat down on my bed next to him.

“Do you know what your father did for a living?”

“He designed cars.”

“Right, right. Now do you know what my biological father did for a living?”

I inhaled, “You have a non-biological father?”

“Yeah,” he stopped for a second to laugh, “Back to the story, my father was also a car designer. Your father and mine worked together for a very long time, long before any of us were born. They were best friends.”

I nodded.

“Your father had a design that would change the world. It would alter the entire car business. It took him over five years to finish. And he told my father all about it,” he scratched his neck, “then things got ugly. Very ugly. My father invited your family over one night for dinner, it was Christmas time... You were somewhere, I don’t know why you didn’t come, but it was a good thing you didn’t. After everyone finished dinner, my mother made coffee. My father slipped something into two of the four cups. I brought them to the table. I switched the cups around. I didn’t know which were poisoned and which weren’t. So your dad and my dad drank the poisoned ones and died... instantly. Your mother cried over him with James at her side. My mother and I didn’t... My father was cruel and heartless. It didn’t matter to us.”

“Don’t bull shit me like this!” I slapped him across the face, “you’re sick!”

“Listen to me, Sky, just listen. Wait.”

I sighed, “I don’t have this kind of patience for lies. Especially from someone I barely know and that my brother hates!”

“Wait,” he said calmly, “I will explain that too. Just give me a minute.”

“Well you have three.”

“So your mother ran out of the house. She ran and told James to stay. To stay with daddy. He sat there, pouring tears until the police came. That’s when James told me it was all my fault. It was my fault - I killed everyone. So... he made me stay away. We had to be enemies from then on. He didn’t want me to hurt anyone else was how he explained it. He didn’t want me to hurt you. I would never hurt you.”

“I don’t even know what to say to you.”

He frowned, “Then say nothing. Talk with your mouth closed,” he kissed my cheek, “Good night, Sky. I’m sorry... for everything that no one has ever apologized for...”

He slipped out my window.

If he was telling the truth, why wasn’t I told earlier? Why didn’t I remember any of it? Did I flush it from my memory? I thought they both died when they were hit by a car... hit by a car on a street... a far away street... of a far away place...

I opened up my room door.

“James? Can you come in here?”

He opened his door and walked over, “What’s up kiddo? Why are you crying...”

“I’m not crying.”

“It’s okay, what’s wrong?” he hugged me to his body. I put my head into his chest.

“He told me. Is it true?”

His face distorted, “Yes.”

“Then I only have one question: why don’t I remember any of it?”

“Because you punched out the windows in the house,” he inhaled and exhaled faster, “You cut yourself. You stuck glass into your left leg. Your thigh. I had to pull it out of your body. We went to the hospital, I drove dad’s car, and you were supposed to die. But you didn’t. You didn’t die.” he smiled through all his tears, “You were alive and you couldn’t remember. I didn’t want to hurt you. The truth would make you hurt yourself again.”

I looked down at my leg, imagining the scar that was still visible. The huge gash on my leg wasn’t just from tripping down the stairs one night in the dark.

“I love you, James,” I hugged him closer, “I love you for your lies. You were looking out for me. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Sis. Now get to bed okay? You don’t want to be tired for school tomorrow...”

“Can I not go? I don’t want to see him. Please don’t make me go. Please.”

He hugged me closer, “Fine. I expect you to be back in on Thursday.”

I fell face first down onto my bed. I didn’t dream or think. It was just dark.

I slept straight through Wednesday - I didn’t wake up. When I did, I woke up to my cell phone vibrating. It was Thursday morning already. My eyes were heavy and tired still. I needed more sleep. I couldn’t wake up.

I closed my eyes again.

When I opened them again, it was Friday. Madison and Katie's party - today was their special day. I wouldn’t ruin their birthday and be the bad friend. So I dragged myself out of bed. It would be a great day. Right?

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