2: Invisible

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When my brother dropped me off at the front gate of Jefferson-Monroe high school, the worst school in the world, I didn’t really expect much. Hell, there wasn’t a welcoming committee like they had yesterday handing out free pencils. That sucks. I wanted a freaking pencil, dammit. Well if they gave me a pencil yesterday like they should have, maybe I wouldn’t have been so pissed off. Just because I was the ‘emo’ girl, the preppy girls didn’t even look at me. It’s not like I have a disease or anything but they certainly did. I think it was an undiagnosed form of stupidity. Uh-oh!

I walked to the overhang by the front entrance of the school. There was a black Mercedes parked in the fire lane. I wonder who could have done that…

“Hey,” someone tapped my shoulder, “you dropped this.”

I turned around. It was Toby, my ex-boyfriend. There was a good reason he was my ex – he was pretty mean but I didn’t really notice before. Love is so blinding.

“Er,” I looked down into his hand. It was my chemistry book. I didn’t even remember having it this morning, which was pretty strange, considering I would remember having it if I dropped it… wow I just totally mind fucked myself. Whoops, “Thanks.”

“Took you long enough,” his eyebrow raised itself, “Any longer and I could have sworn that you had a mental problem.”

“Oh thank you, Toby, you’ve always had a way with words,” I rolled my eyes and turned to the door of the school just as the bell rang.

I pushed my way through the crowd that gathered at the board in front of the school. It was nothing special, just a stupid board where they posted the top students or something. I didn’t care so I didn’t really know anything about it. I walked by as fast as my legs would let me so I wouldn’t be tempted to look.

Emily jumped right in front of me with the doofiest grin on her face ever. It spread literally across her entire face.

“Did you go last night?” I asked curiously. No one is ever in a good mood unless there was something going on the night before. Trust me, our town is like living in a senior citizen’s home. There aren’t even desserts though!

She giggled, “Yes, it was am-ama-ma-maz-za-zing! You missed out on the best gig ever! They had that band, and that other one.”

“Were you drunk?”

“That’s beside the point!”

“Fine,” I looked at the boring white wall clock, “we should get to class.”

“Oh yeah, yeah,” she waved her hand nonchalantly, “bossy bossy.”

The bell sang out of key like Emily would when she was drunk – like a bird getting run over by a large truck. It screamed in pain.

“Shit,” I swore, tugging her by the arm and dragging her down the hallway. People were running to class because the last bell that rang was the late bell – stupid bells don’t give us enough time to even breathe never mind get to class.

I saw our class, only a few feet away, but much to my relief, our teacher wasn’t there yet. The door was locked.

“Robinson, watch it,” growled a low voice. I jumped slightly before turning to see who I bumped right into without even noticing.

“Well Johnson, I would say the same to you but when I’m done with you, you won’t have any eyes.”

“An apology would suffice.”

“Fuck you,” I frowned and turned back to my hung-over friend, Emily, who had managed to fall on the ground. She didn’t seem to mind it though, like most people, the only thing that seemed to be bothering her was the fact she couldn’t get up.

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