3: Escalating

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“Hey,” Emily caught up to me in the lunch line, “how’s your day been?”

“Horrible. I have detention. Phillips is a bitch,” I scoffed.

“Yeah, oh my God, now we can’t go shopping?”

“I guess we could go after. I’d have to ask James though. You know how he is.”

She blushed, “yeah.”

“Are you still crushing on him?”

“Who wouldn’t be?”

“Me. That’s for damn sure,” I laughed, “E-W for incest!”

“Incest starts with an I, dumby.”

“That wasn’t the point!”

“Whatever. Sky?”

“That would be my name?”

“Fisher is staring at you. It’s weird,” she moved her eyes to the left twice. Sure enough, he was staring at me from across the cafeteria.

Why are you staring at me! Why! I thought to myself. Did I have a zit on my face? I rubbed my forehead vigorously. Nope. I wonder what he could be thinking!

I picked up a tray with a burger, fries, a small salad, and some fruit. I slid it to the end of the line and paid for it. Three freaking dollars for a lunch every day would force me to work at the grocery store again. At least it wasn’t horrible. It was really horrible. I had to clean up all the spills and the vomit. I didn’t even get to work at the register.

Maybe I’ll get a new job. Hopefully.

I sat down at the table that I usually sat at. Katie and Madison were already sitting there, picking away at their meals.

“Hey guys.”

“Hi Sky,” they answered almost in unison. Yeah, twins. They were foreign exchange from England which was pretty sweet.

“Ugh,” I sighed. Fisher was at the table next to us, still looking at me. He stood up and began walking in our direction.

Please don’t sit next to me; please don’t sit next to me. I swore he was about to sit down next to me but he moved to the table next to us filled with cheerleaders. He started talking to the head cheerleader, Julie. She was ewwie – her hair was an icky blonde, like actual yellow blonde that looked like alien hair and she wore shirts that showed way too much skin.


Emily flicked a fry at my head, “So if we go shopping, we can just go straight to the race from the mall, right?”

“I guess. That’s a good plan.”

“What time is detention over with?”

“Three? Maybe? It’s not like I get detention all the time.”

I took a bite of my burger. It tasted like a boot. I paid three dollars for a boot? I threw it back on the tray.

Lunch was silent at our table – there must be something wrong.

“What’s wrong?” I wondered out loud.

Emily gulped, tugging on my sleeve, pointing across the cafeteria. Matt, Fisher, and Toby were standing in a circle, talking. Fisher’s face had a look of disgust plastered on it. Matt just looked pissed off. Toby seemed smug. I wonder what they were talking about.

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