30: The Final Countdown - The End

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I sighed as I stared at my boyfriend. What an idiot. He seemed to be able to get into a mess without even trying. His cousin, Erik, was staring him down. Because someone decided to let it slip that we had sex for the first time three weeks ago... and we didn't just do it once...

"Aren't you guys kind of young for that?" Erik fumed.

I shrugged, "It felt right."

"Yeah, you don't see me murdering people because it 'felt right'," he scoffed, "Seriously? You are both ridiculous."

"Why did you even want to take us out if you're just going to criticize our life choices?" Fisher groaned.

What a baby, I frowned, "He was trying to be nice."

"The fuck, Fisher?" he stood up from the table, "Whatever, I'm leaving. Have a nice life, Fisher. And Skye? When you want to stop screwing around with that jack ass, give me a call," he stomped away.

I wrinkled my nose, "Did he really think I was interested?"

Fisher shrugged.

I snorted, "Thanks, ass hole," I flicked his head.

He slammed his fist against the table. For a few seconds, I thought he was ACTUALLY angry! I giggled and examined his expression. He was smiling! What the heck! He winked at me and opened his mouth. But before he could speak, the waitress interrupted our little argument.

"Hey yall," she said as she tapped her pen against the notepad, "What can I get yah?"

Fisher bit his lip and nodded at me to order first.

"How aboutttttt... like the biggest cheeseburger you've got, lots of fries, and a milkshake," I said randomly. What the hell? I looked down at my stomach, confused. I'd never been this hungry in my entire life. And then, a wave of nausea washed over me. So I jumped out of my seat and ran towards the bathroom, without sending a second glance back to Fisher or the waitress. As soon as I got in the stall, I hurled up my lunch.

Great. What is wrong with me?

I heard a knocking noise outside of the stall. I flushed the toilet and opened the door. Fisher was there, covering his eyes.

"Okay, I'm here," he said without removing his hands from his eyes.

I groaned, "You can open your eyes, dumbo, it's not like I'm naked!"

His eyes popped open, "Naked?!"

"Oh my God," I said and leaned back over the toilet, feeling nauseous again, "Fisher, I think I need to go to uhm. a drug store! YEP! I need some chocolates!"

He gave me a weird look, "But you just threw up, I doubt that would help..."

"Just shut up and take me, ass hole," I growled. So he picked me up, bridal style, carrying me out of that bathroom. I fell asleep in his arms.

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"Skye, we're here," he lightly poked my shoulder, jolting me to life.

"Wait here," I said quietly and climbed out of the car. I walked into the store, running down the aisles. Pregnancy tests. That's what I needed. I picked up two different boxes and carried them to the front counter. The woman looked concerned as she rang them up, "Do you have a bathroom?" I said quietly.

"Sure, right there," she pointed and I jogged over.

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Just as I feared, there was one dark pink line... and a softer pink line, on both test strips. Oh shit, oh shit, how am I pregnant?

I slid down against the bathroom door, trying to understand the situation. I was carrying a little Fisher inside of me and I only figured it out today? How was I so stupid?

There was banging outside the door, "Sky? Are you okay?"

"Fisher, I gotta tell you something," I said as I held two testing strips in my hand. I was still talking to the door.

"What? Babe, you can tell me anything, alright?"

I felt the tears run down my eyes as I got up on my two feet. My fingers touched the metal door knob. I didn't know how I was going to tell him. So I opened the door and looked straight into his pretty eyes. Maybe our baby will have those eyes.

"W-why are you crying?" he said as he hugged me.

I let the tears flow freely, "Have you ever considered being a dad?"

His breathing became faster, "Sure. Why?"

"Congratulations," I sobbed into his shoulder.

He released me from the deathly tight hug. So I looked anywhere but his face. He wouldn't want this thing growing inside of me. No, he wouldn't want the responsibility.

"Babe, look at me," he sighed as he put his finger under my chin.

I looked into his eyes.

"W-what?" I shook my head, "Look, it's fine if you don't want to be with me anymore be-"

"Sky," he whispered.

"because you don't want this bab-"

His voice rose, "Sky."

"I mean, I still want the baby," more tears rolled out of my eyes, "but it's okay if you don't wa-"

"SKY!" he crashed his lips down against mine in a fiery passion. I still cried as he kissed me but he stopped. "I love you. And I love our little bundle of cells that you got growing in there. I will never leave you. As long as I live, I will be here next to you. I will be there for our baby. Always. Forever and always. You're the only thing in my life that actually means anything!" he smiled, "And I want this baby more than anything in the whole wide world!" he paused for a few seconds before lowering his voice to a whisper, "Does pregnancy make you stupid or something?!"

"No! I'm confused!" I frowned, "When did this happen?!"

"Weren't you on the pill?"

"Yeah, but-" Oh shit. I forgot to start taking a new month, "DAMMIT!"

He grinned, "I don't care. I wouldn't want it to be anyone else. I wouldn't take anything back. No regrets," he kissed my cheek, "So let's go set up a doctor's appointment. Right?"

I nodded as we walked out of the drug store, hand in hand. The woman that once had a frown on her face looked happy. I sent her a small wave which made her grin wider.

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And that's the end. Literally, THE END. I might write a sequel and I might not, but whatever, ;) I'm just glad I could write this story completely because it's something I've been working on forever and it's great to finally get the ending posted. I hope you guys all enjoyed reading it as much as I liked to write it :D

- Emma

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