14: Motion

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Tuesday night didn’t come quickly enough.

And when we pulled up to the coffee shop, I had no idea what Joel’s plan was. I just hoped that it would work.

I was wearing a white beanie with some white skinny jeans and my favorite shirt that I got a week ago from the internet. (I love buying shirts online! Giggle!) It was a dark blue shirt with a giant shark on it that said AHHH! It made me laugh every time I looked at it. Joel picked it out because he loved it too. My black eye had subsided over the past week so it wasn’t as noticeable. Unfortunately, I still had to wear a ton of makeup to attempt to hide it. I hated makeup – the way it cakes my face – it’s disgusting. I’d rather look horrible than wear it. But a black eye is definitely not the most flattering thing to have on your face, well, next to acne, it might be slightly better.

Anyways, I took Joel’s hand, just like we planned, and walked into the club. It wasn’t hard to get in because well. Everyone knows my brother… yeah.

When we were in, the first person I saw was Fisher. He was with that blonde dimbo. She was dressed very strangely. She had on a large sweater that could fit three or more people inside with very baggy pants. She was very unattractive looking to say the least. Well, maybe she was attractive on some strange planet but not this one...

I smiled at Joel. He was amazing.

Then, she simply left him standing there with his jaw wide open.

“What’d you do?”

“I paid her to break up with him… Duh.”

“What’s next?”

“I have to break up with you,” he frowned. “But we’re still friends.”

“Okay. Go,” I whispered.

He pushed me violently, “What the fuck is your problem, bitch?!” I fell down onto the ground. I didn’t bother getting up though because, hell, I’d look more defenseless.

“My problem?” I shouted at him. “I am not the problem here!”

“You little whore! Fucking skank! What did you think? That I was stupid or something?”

“Well you’re not a fucking rocket scientist, that's for sure!”

There were people watching, including Fisher. The plan seemed to be working so far. I just wished I knew what else would happen…

“Dammit, you little bitch, listen to me!” He grabbed my shoulders and lifted me back onto my feet, “I am your boyfriend! When I say something you don't act like a smart ass back!”

“Oh yeah? Well I'm not your girlfriend anymore you fucking prick! Get away from me!” I slapped him across the face and pushed my way through the crowd towards the bar. I sat down on a stool and put my head down on the counter. I sighed deeply. Hopefully, this would work.

Fingers crossed. Joel knew what he was doing, right?

“Can I get an Irish Car Bomb?”

“Sure,” I heard someone moving and a glass clattered down on the counter.

“Oh, hey Sky.”

I didn’t pick my head up. Nope, I did what I do best. I cried. I sobbed. Tears were pouring down my face in a matter of seconds, “Oh, hi…”

“D-don’t cry. What’s wrong?”

Like he didn’t see, I rolled my eyes, still hiding, “Every guy hurts me… It doesn’t matter who they are… they fucking hurt me.”

“Here you go,” the bartender put down the drink on the counter, making a small clunk that traveled straight to my brain. I sat up right, stealing his drink. I took a sip. Bleh! It tasted horrible!

“What is this crap!”

“It’s Guinness mixed with Bailey’s and Jameson. It’s great!” the bartender laughed, “but it’s a real heavy drink. You have to drink it quick or it tastes like old milk.”

Fisher stole the drink out of my hands and chugged it down, putting it on the counter. He grunted slightly but not loudly enough for anyone to really hear. Good thing I was right next to him, right?


“No thanks,” Fisher passed him some money and glanced over at me. “Sky… Please don’t cry again,” he caught a tear on my face and pushed it away.

“I’m not crying…”

“You know it won’t solve anything,” he toyed with his wallet and gestured to the bartender. “I changed my mind. Another.”

I shook my head, “Drinking won't solve anything either.”

He shrugged. Men.

I felt a warm hand on my back, "It hides the pain."

"I thought you didn't drink."

"I thought you didn't date gay men," he casually took a swig from the freshly mixed drink.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm not stupid," he smiled. "It was a good try though. Making me jealous, paying off my girlfriend, dating Joel who was staring at my ass. Eh, I've seen better."

"Liar... I needed to talk to you about something. It's sort of been on my mind."

He raised his eyebrow.

"Emily is pregnant and she thinks that Rex is the father but she's been with James too. And I don't know what to do. Since she moved and everything, I'm worried about her..."

"She's pregnant?"

"Didn't I just say that?"

"I'm going to kill Rex."


"He has a fiancee, Jenna. She's a multimillionaire."


"He's an idiot. Jenna and Rex are in love with each other. It's sickening," he frowned, "but he seemed so happy with her. So happy. Are you sure about him?"

"That's what Emily told me. She said she was positive."

"I guess I'm going to be an uncle," he chugged the end of his drink. "Do you want to dance?"

"No, I should be getting home. I have to talk to James."

He nodded, "Need a lift?"

"You can't drive."

He dug into his pocket and flopped his keys into my hands, "But you can. So drive."

I felt my cheek muscles move to make a small smile. I would be more than happy to drive him and his ass all the way across town in his Mercedes. If every guy hurt me, he hurt me the most because he just would never see how I truly felt about him. He wouldn't understand that I liked him more than he could ever return back to me.

I was his Edward Cullen and he was my Bella Swan.

Yeah I didn't want to be Bella because she is defenseless and an idiot. But Fisher is a defenseless idiot so it fits him perfectly except for gender.

Oh well, it was a good try?

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