8: (In)Toxicated

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The loud clubbing music shook the entire house. I could feel the beat of the bass drum pounding in my feet. They started to tap along to the catchy and never ending thudding

At that time, we were almost halfway through the party. Everyone was almost trashed. Except me. I'm the one who swears off drinking no matter the occasion. I mean, I did get drunk a few times but hey, hasn't everyone?

And I made mistakes. Everyone does (and that wasn't from Miley Cyrus because she is.... bleh!)

I watched the couple across the room kissing each other on the couch. Ew. Awkward.

I looked away, to the TV on the wall.

"Skyyyyyyy," I felt someone twirling my hair in their fingers, "hey."

I glanced and sighed when I recognized Matt. He was messed up to say the least - his hair stuck up in all sorts of ways, his usually neat guyliner was not all over his eye area, his eyes were bloodshot and weird looking.

"Hey Matt."

He put his arm around my shoulders, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

I blinked twice. Could he be any more blunt about it?

"I errrr ahhhh had to be drunk to ask... because you so pretty. I like you lots. Especially tonight."

"Ask me tomorrow when your head is on straight..." I picked a hair off of my pants, "go talk to someone else."

"I only want to talk to you though."

"Okay then."

I watched the TV. News. Where the hell is the remote when you need it? I didn't look down as I felt around on the couch for the damn remote. My hands wandered around through the warm cushions


I jumped. My hand was between Matt's legs. Dammit I should have known that couch cushions weren't that warm!

"Sorry I was looking for the remote."

He laughed hysterically. Drunk people make no sense.

"Its in my pants."

"Are you being serious?"

He pulled my head towards him and kissed my lips. It was very odd... if I could explain it, well, it was exactly like kissing a dog with a lot of drool. It was sloshy. Ew.

But I couldn't get out of his grip. I pushed against his chest which made him kiss even more hastily.

"Matt," Matt didn't stop.

And for one time in my life, I was really glad to see Fisher. "I saw this girl with a really nice ass at the bar. She was after you and you missed your chance," he said casually as he took a sip out of the cup in his hands.

"Noooooooo," Matt jumped to his feet, tripped and landed on his face in less than five seconds.

"I've wanted to do that for so long," Fisher mumbled before sitting next to me, "Whatchya doing feeling up Matt?"

"Looking for the damn remote!"

Fisher rolled his eyes and picked Matt up off the floor, saying something to him that I couldn't hear. Matt stuck his hand down his pants and handed something to Fisher.

There was the remote!

"What the hell!"

"He told you it was in his pants. He wasn't joking."

"Oh," I blushed. Fisher sat back down and changed the channel to cartoon network. They weren't showing anything worth paying attention to.

"So," he smiled, "you're talking to me?"

"I guess. If I have to."

I inhaled everything around us... all the smells. It wasn't very pleasant until... OH WOW! I nearly passed out! "Oh. Em. Gee. What is that smell?"

"Vomit? Alcohol? Teen angst?"

"No... its like... musky but not. My God it smells... amazing..."

He lifted an eyebrow, "Me?"

I leaned over and inhaled by his shirt. It was the source of the great smell. "You smell so good!" I laughed and leaned my head against his shoulder to get closer to the smell.

He chuckled, "Thanks?"

"What is that stuff called. It must be like. Ultimate woman magnet 5000."

He put his arm around me, "Who'd buy that shit?"

"You would. Looooooserrrrr!"

"Why do you enjoy insulting yourself?"

"Why don't you?"

It was so comfortable to lean on the couch next to him. To feel his slow and steady heartbeat fill my ears. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced in my entire life.

His face was close to mine. His face that looked like an ice sculpture because it was so damn perfect. I examened it, looking closely at each curve and contour. Man. I'm weird.

He moved closer to my face.

"You know, you don't smell too bad yourself... mh.... is that Brittany spears or something?"


"It seems like you'd attract men in swarms, smelling like her, " his face was an inch from mine, "not in a whore way though. No."

I thought his lips were against mine. I could taste the forbidden fruit that I never could even try. I felt intoxicated with no alcohol in my system. I woke from my realization, jumping at the fact I was back in my room. In my bed. Still wearing clothes. With warm arms around my body. That weren't Fisher's. That were tattooed. That were attached to Matt. Who was in my bed.

Where did Fisher go? And why was it so hot in myroom? I screamed at the top of my lungs only to feel a set of hands cover my lips.

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