29: Running

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Today was different, way different from the usual. Fisher was actually going to race today. But, he wasn't racing my brother. Instead, he was racing a new kid on the block.


His name: Steele.

Yeah, I rolled my eyes when I heard his name, but when I saw him in his compact car, I laughed out loud. I mean, this guy was a body builder in a compact: he had muscles on top of his muscles that had muscles. Sometimes, people act like the cars they drive, but this definitely wasn't the case. And anyways, he was crammed in his black and red BMW M5, which was incredibly shiny, when he drove up to Fisher's car.

"So," he said gruffly, "You Fisher?"

"Yep. Steele?"


"Alright, well, if you beat me out, you're in. Otherwise, you'll just have to come back next year. No dirty driving either - we try to keep our races clean enough that our cars aren't completely destroyed by the end of the night. Mk?" Fisher smirked.

I laughed at Fisher's crappy way of saying okay. Wow, what an idiot. Ew.

"Sure, sure. But do I get a pretty girl like her if I win?"

Fisher laughed, "If you win, you can have her."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Fish. You don't know how he driv-"

He rolled his eyes at me, "I think I know what I'm doing, Sky."

"Fine, go and lose," I flipped him off as I walked back to the brick building. They both stepped into their cars and started driving around.

I could care less because I had a weird feeling that deep down, Fisher wasn't going to win the race. I would be stuck with that creepy Steele guy for who knows how long. And I think I'd pass on that every single time it was offered. It just bothered me that Fisher didn't ask me if it was okay. He just assumed.

I hate it when people just assume things.

A few minutes later, I watched as Fisher's Nissan GT-R raced across the finish line in the pavement before Steele's car. It was a full ten seconds behind. Fisher drove right up to me.

"Told you, no worries," he chuckled. "Get in."

I pouted, "Can we get ice cream?!"

He sighed, "You know this is a brand new car, right? Remember when we picked it up earlier?"

I shrugged.

"FINE, let's go get you some freaking ice cream."

"YAY!" I threw my hands in the air and jumped into the car. It was almost as exciting as going on a rollercoaster! WOO!

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"So, Fisher, I have a question," I said as I licked my ice cream cone, sitting in the new car.


"What would you have done if Steele had won?"

He smiled, "Are you really asking? I'd kick his fucking ass into little tiny pieces until he was pulverized. He would be dead. Dead as a doornail."

"I didn't know you were capable of murder."

"For you, my love, anything is possible."

"Will you be the Sweeney Todd to my Mrs. Lovett?"

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