17: Altered

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"Fisher, what did you do to her?!"

"Well you said 'get her ready for dinner with Rex' so I did? I handled it."

"That doesn't mean that you use her lipstick as eyeliner!"

I glared at him and then back to the poor girl... Her hair was in mats, her face had makeup smudged all over it. She looked like a crazy woman! Either that or she had been sleeping in a garbage can. She looked pretty nasty. I kind of actually felt bad for Jenna, honestly.

"Well, I guess we have to wake her up."

"Can't she go like that?" He frowned, "I worked hard on making her beautiful!"

"I'm sure she'd agree," I picked her up by her shoulders and dragged her across the bathroom floor until I made it to the tub, "Put her in there."

"She's heavy!"

"Stop complaining!"

"Hey, you can lift her next time!"

"UGH!" I threw a bar of soap at his head. It missed by an inch, lucky for him.

So I took a water glass from the sink counter and filled it with some very cold water.

"You are so cruel," Fisher's hand grazed my back.

I laughed and threw the water across the room, over to Jenna in the tub. Her body stirred.

"WHATTTTTTT?" Jenna jumped, "REX?!"


She growled at us, "GET OUT!" I guess Bride-zilla was going to be okay! Well, that's just great! Her same pissy attitude was back.....

I shrugged, "You're going out with Rex in an hour, get ready."

Her makeup that was done by Fisher had smudged further. It now ran down her entire face. Fisher held back his laughter but... It was no use.

We laughed and ran right out of there, slamming the door on her face.

"Rex is taking her to a benefit dinner that my parents run," Fisher leaned up against the door. It shook voilently.


I laughed, "Why aren't you going?"

"It's too sad. You know it's all about some disease or whatever that my cousin has."

"And Mr. Tough Guy can't cry?"

He raised his eyebrow, "Says who?"

"Isn't that why you don't go?"

"No, I meant it was depressing more than... uplifting," he frowned.

"I'll go."

"I won't. And I'm not dressing up. That's another reason."

"Pick me up before seven. Don't be late or I'll kick your ass," I smiled, "Make sure you shave that whole... beard thing you have going on."

"Why? I kind of like it," he scratched his moderately hairy cheek. It was the whole 5 o'clock shadow thing. It just didn't work on his face. And honestly, he looked like a pedophile. Beware small children!

"You look like a caveman. Now go home and get ready," I pushed him by his shoulder.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I stood there by the door, staring at the small clock on the wall. It was 7:00 on the dot. Where were they, we were going to be late and it would be horrible, we'd mess everything up. Maybe everything is just getting to my head. Stupid Sky, stop thinking!

The doorbell rang.

"Jenna? Are you ready?" I yelled across the room.

She stumbled out of the bathroom wearing a tight black and gray dress that just met the bottom of her knees with a pair of very high black heels. She looked like a supermodel.

(My jealousy inserted here).

But I think I looked okay. I had a long dark blue dress on that barely reached my knees. My hair curled down past my shoulders. It was nice looking for once. I didn't even need to wear my extensions (shhh, don't tell anyone they aren't real or I might have to smack you in the face with magical fairy dust!! I would tell everyone if I were you....)

"Yeah, yeah, no thanks to you or Fisher. What the hell did he put on my eyes?"

"I don't know, he said he could," I put up my hands and wiggled my fingers for air quotes, "handle it."

I opened up the door to the two guys, Rex and Fisher, standing there. Rex was touching Fisher's neck, moving the tie around on his neck.

"Stop, it looks fine!"

"No it's off center!" Rex snapped at him.

I cleared my throat, "Are you two done? Seriously?"

They both stopped and looked at me.

Fisher's eyes locked with mine for what seemed to be an eternity. I wish I had a stop watch or something so I could tell you down to the seconds but the actual time was so skewed from the time in my brain... It just didn't make sense. But Fisher looked good, and I mean, really good. He was handsome. Not like his normal look.

"Okay," Rex broke the silence, "Let's get going, we'll be late as it is if you two old folks keep staring at each other like that!"

Fisher broke contact with me to glare at his brother, "Like what?"

"Not like that..." Rex laughed and escorted Jenna by his side to his beat-up Jeep. The same Jeep that he had driven me home from school in when I beat up Toby.

I wonder if he's okay. I mean, did I hurt him?

That's stupid, what the hell am I saying? Why should I care? Jerky Toby!

"Are you okay?" Fisher shook my arm lightly, tugging me out of the doorway.

I shrugged, "I guess."

Which lead me to more questions: was James okay? Did he find Emily? Did she want to come back? Would she be my best friend again?

Would everything change?

I pushed my freshly curled hair out of my eyes and caught a glimpse of Fisher's amazing smile.

It would be changing but maybe, just maybe, it would change for the better. I watched his face as we walked to the car and we stopped outside the door.

His lips brushed my forehead lightly before he opened the door for me.


Fisher knew exactly how to ruin the romantic moments.

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