20: Shot

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“Where are we? My feet hurt!”I complained. If I knew I would be hiking in the wilderness I would have packed my hiking boots!

Fisher sighed, “We’ll be out of here in ten minutes if we keep walking in this direction.”

“How do you know?”

“I’ve been here a lot. Trust me.”


He didn’t answer but kept moving, “If they are waiting outside the woods, don’t wait for me. They’re going to kill one of us, and I would die for you. Because if I died, I know I’d always be with you. I’d live in your mind forever.”

“They’re not going to kill either of us!”

“That’s what you think, not what you know,” he pointed to the edge of the woods where two SUVs were parked. There were three men standing outside. One leaning on the hood of the car, another pacing in circles, and the last was watching the woods carefully.

I sat down on the ground.

His eyes scanned me, “what are you doing?”


“Well, get up. You’ll have to run. I’ll distract them and then you’ll steal the SUV. They always leave the keys in. At least, they did last time…”

“Last time?”

“It’s not important now,” he shrugged and walked right out of the forest. Into the open. Where their guns were pointed. There was a single shot fired. He fell to the ground.

I ran.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Where… am I?

I blinked but saw nothing except darkness. It was warm where I lay.And then I saw Sky’s face, I felt her lips, I remembered what it was like to kiss her. What life was.

I inhaled slowly.

“Fisher, get up, my sister is crying and shit. You jackass, wake up, wake up for her. I didn’t even get to tell you how much I hate you for being near her. I hate you. You’re taking her away from me. She’s all I have left, Fisher. She’s family. She won’t live through this if you don’t.”

I really want some ice cream. I guess it’s time to wake up.

My eyes opened and this time, I could see.

“Oh,” James immediately frowned and scratched his head, “You didn’t die. Well, it was worth a try.”

“What the fuck do you have up your ass?”

He shook his head and stood up, walking out of the room. Seconds later, the door to my hospital room flew open.



“Sky just left,” Emily walked up to me, “but I’m really sorry about James. He’s just got a lot on his mind. The baby and everything.”

Right, the baby.

“And he’s pissed at you, again. I’ll try to talk him out of it, but you know how he is,” she rolled her eyes, “Sky will be back in a little while to see you, she’s been here for three days straight with no sleep.”


“Yeah she has mental issues.”

"Does not! Leave my girlfriend alone!"

"Girlfriend? Did you even ask her out?"

I crossed my arms, "No... not technically... but we're kind of... she's kind of... we're... yeah."

"You're stupid. Seriously. Just ask her."

It's not like I haven't tried!...

Suddenly, James was back in the room, staring me down. Fuck him, what the hell does he hate about me so much?

"Fisher, if you go near my sister ever again, I will personally run you over with my car. I'd rather spend the rest of my life in jail instead of seeing you near her!"

"James, please, stop," Emily said quietly as she put her hand on his shoulder.

He shook his head, "He doesn't deserve my sister."

I didn't, that was the truth. Why did I even try? She doesn't even sort of like me. Not even remotely close. What would I have to do to be worthy?

"I don't."

"Then stay the hell away from h-"

"Excuse me, but I think you should leave," and for once in my life, I was happy to see Rex and Jenna. Thank God!

James shrugged and took Emily's hand, leaving the room.

"Hey bro, you okay? You took a shot right below your heart. You're damn lucky that Sky saved your sorry ass."

"She - what?"

"You were trying to be the hero but she just one upped you. She explained to me that after you were shot... well, we should let her explain. She is on her way upstairs to see you."

"You should be grateful. I would have left you there to die," Jenna smiled and left the room.

I groaned, "Why are you going to marry that bitch?"

He smiled, "You don't know her the way I do."

"I'd hope not."

"Not like that! I didn't mean it that way!" he shook his head, "You're sick, you know that?"

"I wouldn't be here otherwise."

Then he left suddenly, leaving me in the beeping room. Beep, beep, beep. But then, finally, my silent prayers were answered because of the sudden woosh noise of the door opening and closing.

Sky was in the room.

"Hey," she smiled and sat down on the chair next to my bed, "How are you feeling?"

"Lightheaded, dizzy, stomach ache..."

Her face contorted, "Do you need more meds or something? I can get a nurse in here."

"No, it's normal when you're around," I smiled.

She blushed. I guessed that was a start.

"Where's James?"


"Did he tell you not to come in?"

She shrugged, "he's not the boss of me. Besides, there was something I sort of wanted to say."


"I'm sorry. About that... kiss. I mean," she blushed, "You know... never mind."

"No, tell me."

"Maybe when you're feeling better. You should get some more rest."

"I've been sleeping forever! I want to see you!"

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