Prologue / Chapter 1

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It was my first day in a new town; a new school, a new beginning. I hated it. Every so often my mother and I would just pack up and leave. We weren't running, we weren't avoiding anything either, she just got bored easily. And since my 18th birthday is coming up and I'll be turning into my wolf for the first time, she thought that our next 'home' should be with a pack. So last month, my mother, Richelle, made a rather quick phone call to the young new Alpha of the Riverpack and we are now new members of the Riverpack.

Though no matter how much I got frustrated with my mother for the constant moving, I couldn't blame her. My father had passed away several months after I was born and ever since then she has never been 100% satisfied with how things were. We were always moving and though she took good care of me, she always seemed lonely. It broke my heart to see my young beautiful mother like this. She choose to stay at the age of 37 once I turned 10 that way she wouldn't have to grow old as quickly as a human would. And in werewolf years that was nothing in age, being as werewolves can choose to pause their aging whenever they pleased.

My mother had soft brown hair with gorgeous green eyes, but she doesn't see her beauty. It's as though when my father died a small part of her, or should I say a big part of her died  with him. She didn't even try looking for another man, perhaps not as a lover but she didn't even bother looking for companionship. After seeing my mother miserable for years, I knew that if a guy ever where to come around, I'd try my best to get them together. She of all people deserved it.


Chapter 1

I was sitting in the passenger seat of our car. I hated the fact that we were moving again! I was finally making some really good friends but then my mother decided to pack us up and leave — again! Although, despite always having to restart in a new school, I loved redecorating my bedroom.

''We're almost there sweetie.'' My mother's voice caught my attention. Was that excitement I heard? I haven't heard any emotion in her voice in - well as long as I can remember really.

''Okay.'' I said still trying to dissect what that excitement meant. It wasn't until we pulled into the driveway that I saw what she was so excited about.

Oh. My. God!

It was beautiful! It was a Victorian styled house with beautiful white trimming against the red brick. It screamed history and had a certain antique feeling about it that I just loved. I can see that there was a weeping willow in the backyard and I mentally began my list of things I can do under that tree.

''So, Melissa what do you think?'' She asked giddily. I smiled at her.

''Mom, I love it!'' I exclaimed. It truly was a gorgeous house. I raced out of the car grabbing my book bag and raced into the house. It was beautiful on the inside too! The floors were just freshly polished, the walls were recently painted a variety of greys and blues, giving the house a more modern interior. I could even see from the front door - where I stood frozen in awe - that there was a sun-room. Hmm, I think I found my new favorite feature.

"Mom how or where did you find this place? I love it!"
My mom walked in behind me to admire the sunroom's view of our green backyard.
"I found it online through the town's real estate website. Not one local was interested in buying it so they lowered the price and posted it online." My mom explained while hugging me from my side.
" I'm not even going to question that." We both chuckled.

''So our furniture will be here tomorrow. For now why don't you go pick out a room, then come help me load our stuff from the car 'kay?'' My mother asked softly.

''Sure!'' I ran up the stairs like a giddy child on Christmas day, and I opened the first door I saw. I swear I fell in love right then and there. The room was perfect; there was a walk in closet, a window seat, a large canopy bed left from the previous owners and right across the hall was a washroom! There was no cabinet to put my clothes in but that was fine, I'd have my bureau brought in tomorrow.

I twirled around my bedroom like a five year old and simply smiled. This all came crashing down, however, because of what was said next.

''Honey, come on down for a second your school uniform for Monday just got here.'' My mother called to me.

Urgh! If there was one thing that always brought me down,   even with my "try-to-always-stay-positive"  thinking, it was school uniforms. They were always tacky and plain, and it stopped students like me from expressing how they feel or who they were through their clothing. And I was justified to hate uniforms after seeing this one.


I am currently editing this book.
It is almost painful to go back re read old works, especially when it's been nearly 6 Years!
I hope to continue this series and my other books in the future but it will be a slow process, so new readers please bare with me, old readers, thank you for sticking around so long!

I am also editing this on my phone so excuse any weird spacing there might be.
I do not plan on changing the fundament plot to this story, but I do plan on editing some of the major plot holes.
Thanks for reading this,
Stay Knowledgeable ✌🏻

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