Chapter 6

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Melissa's POV

Ryan, after he was done sniffing me, began to nuzzle and kiss my neck.

"P-pl-please s-t-top." I muttered out while biting my lower lip to stop from moaning. He stopped for a minute and, to my shock, pulled away. He stepped away from me, and pulled me out of the changing room by my hand.

Without his lips on me I could finally breath and think correctly. So, I tried to pull my hand out of his grasp, but he simply held on thighter. He stopped pulling me once we were in the center of the gym.

"What are you doing?" I asked, when he let go of my hand and ran off to the gym's supply closet which I assumed held all the training equipement. He didn't answer, but ran out a few seconds later with matts and a pair of boxing gloves.

"I'm suppose to train with you, aren't I?" He asked, adding a innocent tone to his statement that made me not trust a word that came out of his lovely, kissable mouth.

He placed the blue matts infront of me and tossed me the boxing gloves. He montioned for me to stand infront of him on the blue matts. I did so dumbfoundely, trying to decipher what he was trying to do. His green eyes met my blue ones, and I couldn't help but stare into his. They were just so green! So adorable..... Stop it! I commanded myself. This guy is an egotistic pervert! The clothes that I am forced to wear every single day is proof of that! The thought of the uniforms had me sober as I shifted my gaze to the gloves that I had just put on.

"Now that you've got your gloves on, let's start shall we?" I stared at him warily, not liking how his eyes roamed my body when I became conscious of just how short these shorts were and how thight this shirt really was. I blushed and decided that was the time to charge him. I was glad at that moment that my mother had taught me some fighting skills in my human form incase I would ever need it.

I knew that I caught him off guard, but he quickly recovered and reached out for me when I was in the middle of my charge. I was prepared for this, and ducked and tripped him in his attempt to grab me. He sprang up from where he was on the ground, but at the exact moment I also sprung up and turn towards him. But he was damn fast. Before I knew what was happening, he had pinned beneath him on the ground. I tried to arch myself into a sitting position, but since he decided that I still had some advantage of attack, he wrapped one hand around my wrist while sliding his crotch up my body on my abdomen and away from my wailing knees. He had anticipated that I was about to knee him and now used his body weight to weigh down my waist.

Damn him!

After a few seconds of useless squirming I stopped moving underneath him. This satisifed him and he had an arrogant smirk on his face. Oh, how I just wanted to slap it off.

"Let me go!" I yelled at him. This made him hesitate, but he still weighed me down.

"Lesson number 1:never turn your back on you oponent, they'll use it to their advantage."He ignored what I just yelled at him, and simply stared at me.I could see his smirk crawl off his face and a frown take it's place.

"Why do you dislike me so much?" He whispered, sounding truly sad. As I stared up at his sad eyes, I couldn't help but want to comfort him, but on the other hand he still drove me crazy!But there was something even bigger than me all together, bigger than him. That something was us together. I could feel the power behind every contact we had. It was so strong, so unique, so beautiful. It was love. And deep down in my heart I knew that I didn't love him yet, I definitely felt attracted to him and I think what I was feeling towards him was the potential of a partnership that we could form, but we weren't there yet.

"I don't dislike you, I just.... I... we don't know eachother okay? I don't know who you are, I mean I know your my mate but..... that doesn't mean I'll just fall for you. I want us to get to know eachother. I want..... I want to be... you know.... courted."I finished with a sigh. Taking in the necessary air that that speech had taken me. I looked in his eyes, trying to  anticipate how he would react. I saw nothing in his eyes. But I did get a physical reaction out of him. He stood up and he helped me stand up and took the gloves off my hands. What he said and did next shocked me.

He grabbed one hand, and with the other one , pushed some strand of hair that escaped my poneytail, behind me ear.He looked deep into my eyes and sayed.

"Melissa Monroe, would you like to go on a date with me? I promise it will be public and I will keep my hands to myself until you deem that is no longer necessary." There was a desperate look in his eyes knowing that he was giving me the chance to deny him, but because of what he had just done, I wouldn't deny him. I smiled at him and simply nodded, though he didn't seem satisifed.

"Please speak the words, my wolf needs the closure."He pleaded.

"Yes, Ryan. I will go on a date with you." I smiled at this and he smiled also.

"Much better, thank you." We stared into eachother eyes while he held my cheek and I held his hand,for what seemed like forever, until the rest of the class came through the door, huffing and puffing I'm guessing from training.

''Ryan, Melissa! I assume you both had a good practice?"Coach called.

Being pulled out of our our daze we both stared dumbfounded at the coach, he only sighed and shook his head while walking away and muttering something that sounded like, "dumb love struck teens". We both laughed at his muttered words.

"Look,I got to go. How about I meet you after school so we can just hang out?" He asked, again sounding... not desperate, but vulnereable.

"Sure." I said. He smiled and walked off before I can even say goodbye.

I was about to leave the gym when I realized I was still in my gym clothes. The second I walked into the girl's changing room I was bombarded by  three girls asking me questions about Ryan. They didn't seem rude or snotty just really curious but I could tell that everyone was straining to hear the answer. So I decided to not let the whole room suffer and I answered there questions.

By the time I was done changing everyone in the room knew that yes I was new to the pack, that I refused to wear the school uniform correctly, I was unmarked/unmated and finally they knew that something was happening between Ryan and I. I didn't tell them exactly that we were mates but they knew something was up and besides it's not like I could deny it. Most of them had seen Ryan and I staring into eachothers eyes while he was cupping my face and I was holding his hand.

After I finally escaped all the questions I began to search for Ryan in the school halls while I made my way to my locker to pick up my lunch money, but was dissapointed to see that he was no where in sight.

"You won't find him." A female voice from behind me said. I recognized her as one of the girls in my gym class was standing behind me with a knowing glint in her eyes. Again no point in denying what iI was doing.

"Oh, okay." She shook her head while laughing at me. I couldn't help but feel irritated that she was laughing at me. When she saw the look on my face she stopped.

"I'm sorry." After a few moments that I didn't respond she decided to take manners into her own hands.

"I'm sorry, my name's Tina. Why don't you join me for lunch?" She asked.

"Sorry I promised I'd have lunch with Carter."

"Oh, okay well some other time then?" She asked, while walking away.

"Um, sure." I said. And with that I made my way to the cafeteria doors. When I turned the corner I saw Carter waiting where she said she'd be.

"Hey." I said with a smile.

"Hey, so not to sound nosey or anything but there's a rumor going around that your our alpha's mate?" She asked, nudging me slightly with her elbow as though  I would drill her question into my brain.

Wow, news traveled fast around here!


Ok, so that's all I can muster up for tonight, sorry my lovelies :S

so... comments, questions, anything?

So for the next chapter I'm asking:


and remeber to, if you like it that is




FAN! <3333

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