Chapter 23

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Melissa's POV

"Ryan, where are you taking me?" I said, as he contiued pulling on my hand. He had blindfolded me (with a different blindfold then the mind control one) before he started leading me towards where ever it was. I was excited and sad all at once. Ryan was leaving today, I wouldn't see him for atleast a week, and just the thought of that made me wimper. Though I was excited because of what we were doing right now.

From what I could tell, we were walking through the forest, though I didn't recognize the scent of the surrounding.

"It's a surprise." He said,  slowing down our pace before ulitmately stopping. I bumped into his chest and in response, he pulled me to his chest and entwining his hands behind my head. He untied the blindfold, and all I can see what Ryan. His eyes captivated mine.

He brought his hand to my cheek before kissing it.

"I'm going to miss you, my little were." He said, and though the words were flirty and teasing, his words were completely serious.

"I'm going to miss you too." I said, while kissing his palm.

"I wanted to make our last day together special." He said, backing away and holding my hands, pulling me towards some unknown place.

"Nothing can be more memorable than this past week..." I said, insinuating what we did this week... what we did...

We mated for the first time... in both forms, we made love numerous times.. it was epic.

"I agree, but I can at least make this day.. special to us. Do you remember before all of our... playing started, you said you wanted to be courted. Well I thought, a good way to make today memorable was to.. well court you. So, I hope you enjoy what I planned for us."  He said, and though I didn't break eye contact, I did notice an unnatural glow to our surroundings.

He cleared his throat, indicating his head from the left to the right. I smiled at him and reluctantly looked away from his gorgeous green eyes.

I couldn't believe what I saw. There were lanters everywhere, and thought it was in the middle of the day  and they didn't emanate much light but they made our little meadow area smell like vanilla. I saw there was a small, crystal clean pond a little farther away from the magical circle of the lanters.

And last but not least, I spotted a large square table with two chairs.  There was no candle in the middle of the table like there was on the boat, but there was a bouquet of lilacs, one of my favorite flowers. He placed his hand on my lower back and lead me to the table.

"Ryan, this is.... amazing!" I sayed, sitting down at the chair he pulled out for me. I held onto his hand as he made his way across from me. I couldn't help but notice how far we've gotten in our relationship since our first date. Then, all I cared about was being courted and respect (which I do still care about) but then again now, all I really want is for him to never leave me.

"Why thank you." He said, grabbing onto my other hand aswell.

"How did you manage this? I mean we spent the past week by eachother's side every second of the day, when did you have time do all of this?" I asked. He smirked and simply shrugged and refused to tell me. After five minutes of trying to get an answer, I gave up.

"I hope you like it." He said.

"I love it. I love you."I said.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, looking suddenly eager. I bit my lip at the sudden sparkle in his eyes, and shook my head side to side.

"Good, now follow me." He said, pulling me up from my chair and leading me to the small pond.

"Let's go for a swim." He said, already pulling off his shirt. I gaped quietly at his tanned, toned chest. He grinned at me when he saw me starring, I slapped at his chest teasingly before turning away to take off my white summer dress.

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