Chapter 22

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Derek's POV

"Pământ, aer, foc şi vânt
Prin Ordonanţa din Lycan
Eu nu pot aştepta şi crea haos
distantele de departe,
Alpha poate fi necesară
iubirea poate fi gratuit,
Poate reak ravagii aici primare"

I lit the candle at the end of chant, and with the ecstatic feel of power rushing through me, I felt fate been twarped with and I knew, that my spell worked.

I sat up from the floor where my white candle was, and got up and dressed to head down for breakfast.

It won't be long until Ryan is gone now.

(A/N: the spell is in romanian, I will have the translated version at the end!)

Andrew's POV

I was awaken with a familiar ringing and grabbed my phone hastily from my bedside table to get it to shut up, but answered it instead when I saw who was calling.

"Hello, gorgeous and mysterious. Are you done touching yourself yet?" I said, with a wide smile on my face at the thought of my angel touching herself.... damn fucking hot! She scoffed on the other end, and I could only too easily imagine her glaring at me.

"You're a disgusting dog, mate." She said, and the last word, caught my attention, and reminded me, that she knew.

"Thanks for reminding, me sweet cheeks, we need to talk." I said.

"That's why I called, meet me at Tim Horton's in an hour?" She asked, seeming all shy all of the sudden, and I groaned in frustration, knowing I was probably missing seeing a blush on her cheeks right now.

"Sure, honey." And before either of us could say anything, she hung up. God, she drove me nuts! All teasing and seductive and courageous, and then bam! She went all shy and adorable. She would be the death of me!

I got out of bed quickly,showered and changed just as swiftly also. My parents were still asleep so I didn't have to worry about being bombarded with plenty of questions, while I was walking out the door.

I wanted to run through the forest to Tim Horton's but quickly decided against it.

I drove their quickly, feeling my stomach growl, damn! I had eaten in hours and I was friggin hungry... and for more then just food.

When I saw her petite figure standing inside Tim Horton's I pracitcally ran from my car to the entrance of the small cafe. I was happy to see that she still hadn't spotted me when I walked in, so I was able to sneak up on her from behind.

"Mmm, someone smells scrumptiously delicious." i whispered in her ear and I was rewarded with a light squeal and jump from her. I took that moment to wrap my arms around her and pull her to my chest. I sniffed in her smell radiating from her pulse points. She giggled and gently pulled away, I let her go reluctantly when I saw the cashier waiting for us expectantly.

"We should go order." She said, probably seeing the same thing I was.

"Fine, but we're talking, now." I said, sternly, while walking behind her, still holding onto her hips. We approached the cashier and thankfully, it was a girl, she happily took our orders, and when Ashley went to take out her wallet, I took it from her and storing it in my back pocket. If she wanted it, she can go get it.

"What are you doing? I have to pay for my food!" She said, turning around in my arms, coming face to face with me.

"Honey, for now on, when you're with me, I pay." I said, not even trying to negotiate this. She sighed, probably sensing that it was a lost war if she tried to question me and spun back around to face the cashier again.

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