Chapter 11

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My mother and I stood in the middle of the third and last house. The other two were definitely nice, but for some reason, Ryan kept urging us towards this one. Mom said, it was ultimately my choice.Though I didn't see the grand appeal to this house, I mean yes, it was spacious and luxurious, but so were the others. I was about to turn to go check upstairs while my mother skimpered off towards the kitchen.

The staircase was a polished and glistening wood, the railing was white and beautiful. I quickly made it up the stairs, opening the first door and stopped suddenly. In the center of the room, sat a beautiful four poster bed, with rose pedals scattered all over it. To the right side of the room, sat a white brick fireplace. and above it was a a wide rectangular mirror. Above the fireplace, white candles stood above it. On the mirror written in red lipstick was: For my dearest mate, I hope you enjoy your welcoming gift, love, your mate, Ryan xox

I gasped quitely, fighting back tears of joy and love. Okay, I'm definitely choosing this house. I took the final stapes to be fully in the room, expecting Ryan to pop out of somewhere, but was dissapointed to realize that he was not here. I scrounged around the room a little more only to realize that, like all the other houses, the bedroom had it's own attached bathroom and window seat. I sat at the window seat, only to realize that the view I had was of tha pack house and aiming towards a rather large and open window. I gasped when I saw Ryan shirtless, smircking at me through the window across the street. He winked at me when he say my expression, I blushed furiously and sttod up quickly to leave, looking back at the window quickly only to see that he wasn't there.

I turned back around, only to come face to bare chest with him. I jumped back in surprise but before I can get more then a foot away from him, he wrapped his strong, arms around my waist and pulled me into him.

After he had massaged me and we.... did what we did, he had been spending almost every moment together, and I was definitely not complaining but I barely got any chill time with Carter.

"I think I know why, you want me in house number 3." I teased, while placing my hands on his bare chest. He growled gently in the back of his throat. His eyes bore into mine,making me shiver internally.He grasped me thighter, showing his sign of possessiveness whichw as, admitedly a huge turn on.

"Which is why I'm thinking about house number 1." I said teasing him. This only resulted in, being thrown onto the rose covered bed, and him pinning me down whith his half bare body and growling lowly in my ear.His eyes darkening with lust.

"Oh, darling, I don't think you'd want to push me,if so I think I might just need to punish you." He said, before I could respond, he was kissing and nibbling on my neck and earlobe, making me moan.Heat rose between my legs and he rose between my legs also. The idea of him punishing me was quite intriguing... I was curious...., Perhaps I should find out....

"Oh, my." I said, trying to push him off, unfortunately, my full turned werewolf mother was downstairs and probably trying not to laugh at the situation I was in.

"Ryan, my mother." He froze and was instantely off of me, offering me his hands to help me up off the bed.

"I'll be back shortly." He said to me, already heading towards the door, once I was standing next to him.

"Ryan, wait, can you stay for 2 more minutes."I asked innocently, setting in motion my doom. I was definitely going to find out what my 'punishment' would be. His eyes softened, no longer lust filled as they were moments ago.

"Anything for you."I smiled at him and pulled on his hand,leading him downstairs.

My mother was back in the lounge sitting on a brown leather couch, that matched the golden/yellow walls.

"Mom, I made up my mind.... I choose.... house number.... 1." I said loud and proudly. The hand that I was holding thighten, not enough to hurt just enough to know that I was in trouble.

"Umm, okay then. I'll go send the movers there now if you'd like. They came bye while you two were upstairs and they said, they're ready today if you'd like. Hello, again Ryan."

I smiled and nodded towards my mother. She hesitated a moment, meeting eyes with Ryan, before leaving us alone in the lounge. He growled lowly in my ear and wrapped his hands around my waist quite tightly.

"Little mate, your looking for a punishment aren't you." I simply shrugged, hoping  he couldn't see me biting my lip from behind me.

"Then that is what you shall receive." He growled in my ear, before slipping his hands from my waist and running out the door, before I can say or do anything. I laughed happily, knowing fully that the 'punishment' would be more then satisfying. Because his 'threats' were practically empty. But I also couldn't deny the tone of his voice at the end... it was... almost.... angry, hurt even.


Sorry for the short update! :( but the next update will involve a Ryan'sPOV and the "punishment"scene and warning! sexual content is coming!

I'm not gonna set a limit for the next update but if u guys would like.... maybe comment and vote and fan if u haven't already? anywho.....

the next chappie should be up sometime/...... this weekend! I promise if not, that means it's gonna be a uber long one k? cuz im debating over these 2 scenes i have in mind.... teehee...!!! :D

,love Damonfan101! <3


HERE'S THE LINK TO CHAPTER 12! IT got privated! can you believe that??!?!

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