Chapter 26

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Melissa's POV

It had been two hours since Derek left me tied to his bed. I moaned when I felt the egg inside me increase in vibrations. Again, I attempted to pleasure myself through the egg, but no matter how many times I tried to squeeze my legs or to get friction right where I needed it, I couldn't. I saw the look in Derek's eyes he wanted too.

And I couldn't disappoint him for the life of me.

I was about to make a noise though, once I heard Derek say goodbye to whoever was over but before I could I heard someone that stopped my heart.

In fear. For Derek.

It was Andrew. And he was furious.

Andrew's POV

"Where is she?! You filthy monster!" I yelled at Derek, while simultaneously swinging the door wide open, ignoring the loud resounding cracking I heard that came from the wall now behind the door.

I saw him standing by the door with a smile on his face that quickly turned into a scowl.

"Get out!" He yelled, fists at his sides and his shoulders tense, getting ready to fight.

With one swift movement, I punched Derek in the head strong enough to send him flying sideways and into the staircase. I was getting ready to hit him again but when he slumped unconsciously to the floor. I look at him sadly, it was no fight. He was pathetic without his were-magic.

I began to search for Melissa using my sense of hearing when I heard light moans from upstairs.

I charged upstairs and ripped open yet another door and what I saw made me stop in my tracks.

Melissa's POV

I moaned silently. I knew that it was Derek that I heard get thrown into the stairs and my heart broke for him being in pain.

I heard loud footsteps, Andrew's footsteps, come up the stairs and without a moment's hesitation the door was busted open.

"Melissa! What did he do to you?" The moment he spoke it was as though he shocked me and suddenly, I didn't feel pity or sadness for the monster downstairs, I felt terrified and violated and completely manipulated!

"Please just untie me and I'll explain then." I said, lifting my bound wrists as much as I was able to.

He untied my wrist and as quickly as possible, I flung myself under the sheets until I was able to get a grip on the sheet and pull it around me as I stood from the bed, hiding myself from Andrew.

"He... spelled me or something! All I know was that, I was at Ryan's place, like you told me too and then the next thing I know all I want to do is be with Derek." I looked down when I said those words. I have never felt so humiliated and ashamed..  what will Ryan think?!

"That bastard!" He said through gritted teeth. I felt his anger radiating from him and I took comfort, that someone that hated Derek this much would protect me from him that much more.

I should've listened to Ryan, maybe if I would've lived in his house like he suggested, none of this would've happened. When he gets back, he might just have a new roommate!

"When is Ryan getting back?" I asked.

He looked at me sadly before answering.

"I don't know, but I'm sure so-"

He was interrupted with my cell phone ringing from my bedroom. I looked at him apologetically before waddling with the sheet still wrapped around me, towards my bedroom.

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