Chapter 8

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Melissa's POV

It was instant, the second Ryan declared us into his pack, everyone either surrounded us, or dissapeared to do there own thing. My mom and I were bombarded with questions from everybody. People from school and there parents and younger siblings, everyone.

''Which pack are you from?''

'' How long have you've been lone wolves?"

Blah,blah,blah. I didn't even get a chance to answer any of them, because bye the time I heard there questions another one was asked and my mother couldn't very well speak because she was still in wolf form.

The questions kept coming when finally I heard that sexy voice boom through the crowd.

"Enough! Why don't we let them adjust a little 'bit? And get asked questions politely? Now everyone let them breath! Anna, can you please help Richelle, and get her some clothes so she can shift back?" He asked a women that seemed to be my mother's age.

" And Melissa, come wait with me while your mother shifts back."  The people that were crowding us instantely scattered with the rest of the pack, while my mother was whisked away bye who I assume was Anna.

I turned to look for someone I knew bye I came face to face with Ryan. I jumped back surprised.

"You scared, me Alpha." I said, he growled playfully.

"I have a surprise for you, if you'd accept that is." He said, with a grin on his face.

I hesitated a second, not because I didn't want to, but because I was nervous... I don't know if I can control myself around him.But it was worth loosing control over, I mean, if I did or didn't I'd be with him.

"I accept, Alpha." I said. He smiled broadly and montioned for me to walk ahead. I began walking in the direction that he had indicated.

We were walking towards the village in silence. It was slightly akward, I could tell he wanted to hold my hand or something bye the tensing in his shoulders, and flexing of his huge arms, which bye the way, were still bare. I was glad though, that he was keeping his word, to only touch me with my permission and though I too, was aching to touch him, I resisted. I had my mind set on being courted first. Though, that idea was beginning to slip through my fingers.

"God, you're hot." I muttered under my breath. I didn't think he heard me until he said a remark that reminded me of my first impression of him.

"You're not too bad yourself, but I must  say, I loved seeing you in your uniform." He said. I stopped, being reminded of those disgusting uniforms, furiated me.He stopped too, to look at me curiously, that was until he saw my face, but before he can begin his speech, I had begun mine.

"Speaking of those sexists disgusting uniforms, how come all the guys have appropriate uniforms and the girls all look like cheap whores? How come Mr.Alpha choose thos uniforms huh? How come Mr. Alpha comes off as a total d-bag-player?!" I screamed at him, letting out a puff of air as I finished screaming at him.

" I'm sorry for the  uniforms, ok? I choose those uniforms because, well I  was a player and a pig. But then the most amazing thing happened, just today actually, I met my mate. I saw how beaautiful she was and how much she hated the uniforms and I hated myself for everything and everybody I've done. Because the second I saw her, my whole world shifted and revolved around her. And everything I've ever done that could possibly affect her in a negative way came rushing back and I hate myself for that. And all I want to do is try my hardest is to get her to forgive me for my faults." He said, while never breaking eye contact with me. He looked so pained, so open, so...vulnereable. And it broke my heart to see him like that. So I did the only thing I deemed fit. I kissed him. Not like we kissed earlier today, but just a brush of the lips.

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