Chapter 21

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Melissa's POV

I didn't see Derek for the rest of the night, and I couldn't help but be grateful for that.

 I didn't like how my body responded to him, I didn't like it one bit. I felt weary, knowing he was close by, knowing that he can make my body react the way it had again.

 I was standing alone, waiting for Ryan to come back, it had been 15 minutes, and I was getting worried.

 "Mel, can I talk to you?" I spun around to see Carter looking sad.

 "Yeah, what's wrong?" I asked, she looked really sad, and I instantly felt compassionate to my new friend.

 "It's Chris, we kind of, broke up yesterday." She said, though she didn't sound as heartbroken as I thought she would.

 "Oh my God Carter, what happened? I'm sorry." I said, pulling her aside from the stll thick crowd.

She shrugged and wouldn't look me in the eyes.

 "It's no big deal we both decided that being friends would be for the best."

 "But I thought, you really liked him? " I asked confused.

 "I did, but.... I don't know, I guess he didn't feel the same. It's not like he's my mate or anything." She said, and on the last word I heard her catch her breath, and before me she started crying. I threw my arms around her, and I was instantly brought back to my first day at school. Carter and I met in the bathroom, she was crying over her ex who cheated on her and I couldn't help but feel as though I was living deja vu.

 "Sometimes I think I'm never going to find my mate. That maybe he just doesn't exist." She cried harder into my shoulder and I hugged her tigther. Carter had become my best friend and it killed me to see her so sad and so hopeless.

 "Carter, you're crazy! Your mate is out there! He's just waiting for the right moment to show up! Carter someone so full of life and nice as you, doesn't just deserve a mate, but needs one. You need someone to share all your energy with anyway!" I said trying lighten the mood, and it seemed to work a little bit.

 "You really thinks so?" She asked, pulling away to look me in the eyes.

Even with red puffy eyes, she was still beautiful. I couldn't help but feel the need to protect my best friend. To run out in the world and drag her mate to her. She deserved a mate, more then anyone else I knew.

"You have no idea how much I believe that!" I said. She straightened her back and wiped the tears off her cheeks.

 "Your such a good friend Mel, you know that?" She asked, hugging me again.

 "I do know." I said.

 "Melissa!" I turned to see Ryan (finally!), walking towards us, breaking our moment.

"I hate to break you two apart, but I need to speak with you, privately." He said, giving Carter and I apologetic glances.

" Of course, Alpha-" Carter started but was interrupted by Ryan.

 "Please, just Ryan."

"Ryan."Carter corrected herself.

 "Thanks again Melissa, I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked, not waiting for an answer before dissapearing toward the crowd.


I watched as Victor and Derek made their way to Richelle's house. Melissa's house. My mate's house!

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