Chapter 25

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Melissa's POV

When I woke up, I wasn't in my bed. I sat up alert. No one was around, and I didn't hear anyone in the house. I didn't recognize anything in the room, but I did notice the view outside.

It took me only a minute to realize I was in the room down the hall from mine, Derek's.

I had to fight to remember why I was in his bedroom until this afternoon came rushing back.

Everyone hated me, even Carter and my mom. And Derek made me feel wanted, and.... cared for. I was grateful for Derek right now.  I sat there for a while, debating what to do next, but finally came to the conclusion , that I wasn't going to let my moment of weakness stop me from getting up from this bed and enjoy my day, well what was left of it.

I swung my legs over the bed, and went to go to the door, but before I could take a second step, I tripped over what felt like to be a box.

I turned around, wincing at the slight pain in my wrist, and saw s rather large brown shoe box. I debated for a second weither I should look in it, then deciding since it injured me, I had the right to know what I was tripping over.

I listened for a second, no one had entered the house, deciding the coast was clear, I opened the shoe box.

There was a thick book with a leather cover. It looked to thick to be a journal, curiosity getting the best of me, I opened the book and was confused looking at the words scrawled on it.

I didn't recognize the language, then again I can only recognize like 3 languages and obviously this one was not one of them.

I flipped a few pages and stopped when I saw the english translation on the side of the original script. The poem was titled, Hatred. I read the english version and couldn't help but feel suspicious, this poem described exactly what happened to me.

I felt unnerved at the coincidence until I remembered something: I don't believe in coincidences.

"What are you doing on the floor?" Derek asked from the doorway. I jumped from where I sat, realizing he couldn't see what I was holding in my hands. I tried not to show my suspicion too him, and as quickly and quietly as possible, I placed the book back in the box, getting a quick peak at the other contents of the box. There was a few candles, and another few objects I couldn't recognized.

"Call me clutsy?" I said, trying not to show any unnecessary emotions to him.

"Here let me help you." He said, I shoved the box under the bed before he saw anything, I gave a light sigh that he didn't hear thankfully.

"Can I get you anything to drink or eat?" He asked, while pulling me up from the floor by my arms. He was gentle and sweet, except I couldn't shake what I just found. Why was there a hatred poem in his room? Or... was it a spell? But werewolves can't do magic! What the hell was going on?! I was going to call Ryan but figuring the more I let him deal with his business, the sooner he'll be home. With that thought I was going to go to the second person with authority around here, Andrew.

"Actually, I need to go do something, be back in 10 minutes?" I asked, trying not to make him suspect that I knew something. He looked hesitant for a moment, before smiling stiffly and nodding. I smiled at him one last time before leaving his bedroom.

I raced out of the house while pulling out my phone. I couldn't help but notice the dirty looks I got from the people walking by on the sidewalk and I felt a pang in my chest once again. Hopefully, with Andrew's help, everyone will be back to normal soon enough.

Andrew's POV

I was driving to Ashley's house when I got the call.

I checked my called I.D. only to see it was Mel. I sighed in annoyance, which shocked me. Why did I sigh? I like Melissa, she was nice and perfect for my best friend, so why did I feel bothered by her?

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