Chapter 19

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Melissa's POV

"Your mine, Melissa Monroe." Ryan huffed into my ear once more that night, He had continued to torture me long after he marked me. He had teased me with his large memember, but we did not fully mate. Though I begged and gave him my permission, he was adament on waiting. Why I did not know, but after he marked me, as long as it was him who gave me release I would be okay.

Finally after hours of painful teasing and constant release for the both of us, we layed side by side. I looked into Ryan's eyes and wanted nothing more then to stay there for the rest of my life.

This man brought me everything I've always wanted, love , respect, care, lust....

"And you are mine, Alpha Ryan Simmons."I said, caressing his cheek, while he held my naked hips to him.

And it was in the loving arms of my mate, that I fell asleep that night, with his mark on my shoulder and my love in his hands.


Andrew's POV

We finished eating dinner, and by the end of if, I had made her blush and gasp at least 15 times. I was proud that I had such a reaction on my mate, that I couldn't help but feel a little smug.

When we stepped outside,Ashley shivered and instead of giving her my coat , I was her coat, I wrapped my arms around her bare arms and cocooned her in my arms. She sighed and leaned slightly towards me.

"How are you so warm?" She asked, while wigging her face even deeper into my chest.

"Because, I'm wearing a jacket." I said, though I knew that was not the reason. The reason I was so warm was because mates are meant to be there for one another, if one mate is cold, the other mate's body instantely changes to match the others.

She giggled lightly at what I said, and I couldn't help but admire her laugh. It was so light and cute, and so innocent, though she seemed to be anything but, with all the flirting and teasing the girl does in a day.

"So what you want to do next?" She asked, pulling away slighty after a few minutes of simply walking around the square.

" I think..." I looked arund the square, I hadn't fully thought this through, I was planning on taking her for dinner and then... well I didn't know.

It was her who answered her own question, when we stopped infront of a store that was all to familiar to me.

Secret Desires.

Oh, no. Images of what I bought for her and what I wanted to do came rushing to my head, and then down to my other head. Luckily she pulled away before she can feel my protruding member.

"Oh my God! Can we go in?!" She asked, pulling me by my hand, eagerly towards the door. I followed her in shock, she wanted to go in? Was my mate, both teasing and kinky and sexy all in one? She was perfect.

"Um... Sure." I said, though I don't think she was waiting for an answer, being as she dragged me inside before I could answer.

We stood in the familiar store and she squeeled at what she saw. I couldn't help but moan at her reaction to what she was seeing, all I could imagine was her moaning when I used this stuff on her.

The same girl that greeted Ryan and me a few days ago walked up to me.

"Ah, Bet-, Andrew, nice to see you again." I stopped her from saying Beta when I shot her look that shut her up quickly.

"Nice to see you too." I said, Ashley looked her Maddie skeptically before shrugging and walking off to look at what was on the shelves.

"She's lovely Andrew." She said, indicating to my mate.

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