Chapter 16

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Melissa's POV

My mother and I was moved into our new new house the next day, which was Saturday, that the decision was made. We would've moved in the day of, but Ryan...distracted me.... with his lips... . It was safe to say, I didn't really mind moving in the day we did.

This house's structure was the same, but I the interior was all quite different. The interior design was more... modern, though the old one was more homey, this one was more chique.

My mother seemed hesitant but, she finally agreed and losened up about it.

I unpacked all the next day, Ryan would've helped but he said he had some alpha business to attend to, whatever that meant. He said he would come see me the moment he got back, but now that it was 4pm, I was starting to get a little worried, what could possibly have taken all day? I kept glancing at his window, anticipating for his return home, but he still wasn't home.

I was folding my clothes, when I noticed a small white piece of paper that fell from my jean's pocket.I hung up the pair of jeans and retrieved the folded piece of paper. I didn't remember putting a piece of paper in my pockets, but then again, at school when you're rushed, God knows what you do.

I opened the note to see written in black ink in cursive was

You're so beautiful, Luna.

My heart swelled at the kind words that came from Ryan, I would have to thank him later, whenever it was he returned.

I continued folding and putting away laundry and it wasn't long after that that I saw Ryan's bedroom light go on and that I was staring at my gorgeous new neighbour.

Ryan's POV

I got the call earlier today. More newcomers wanted in the pack, but before they moved into town, they wanted to meet me. Apparently they had bad history with alpha's and wanted to make sure that I was a wise one.

Though, I wanted to spend the day with my mate, I couldn't abandon them. Even though they were not in my pack, they weren't unworthy of my attention.

So I agreed to meet them, just outside of town in a small diner.

When I got there, their smell was so strong and potent that I knew exactly who they were.

It was two males, one my age and the other my father's age.They both stood to greet me when they finally caught my scent and saw me advancing towards them.

"Alpha Ryan, greetings. I'm  Victor Renolds and this is my son Derek Renolds. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said, bowing his head slightly while offering me his hand. It was odd, seeing a grown man, a man old enough to my father, bowing his head to me. I didn' t like how much he seemed to be afraid of me, it was foreign to me. My pack members were not in the slightest afraid, respectful yes, but none afraid.

"Likewise, but please, don't bow to me. It's not necessary." I said, observing the both of them.

Victor seemed kind with his green eyes that spoke of loss, I pitied him from the intensive sadness that resided in his eyes, and his brown salt and pepper hair. He, like all male wolves, was muscular and tall. Derek shared his father's brown hair but had dark eyes, they almost seemed black. Unlike his father, he did not seem kind, at least to me anyway. In fact, I did not like him. One bit.                           I don't know why, I'm usually not one to judge so quickly, but something about him just didn't sit well with me. There was something his calm demeanor and the way he looked at me as though he knew something no one else knew....well it was unnerving.

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