Chapter 14

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Ryans POV

Once Melissa left, I began cleaning my room.

I wanted my mate near me, damn it! I wanted her living only a meer 20 feet away from me. I would like her to be living closer, but until then, I will survive with 20 feet distance.

I picked up all clothes that I've gone through this past week. I picked up all wrappers that didn't make it to my trash can, I picked up the X-box game cases that were thrown around my room, I picked up everything.

After 3 agonizing hours of tidying up and, dare I even say it, sweeping and vaccuming, I was done. Well, I still needed to wipe down a few things like my TV and and stuff from the accumulated dust, but other then that last task, I was done! Which means, Melissa will be living next door within the next few nights if I have anything to say about it.

It wasn't until I finally changed into some old sweats that I realized how late it was. It was  1 A.M.!

I crawled into bed, falling asleep to lovely images of my mate.... naked standing before me....

Andrew's POV?!??!??!  (I KNOW RIGHT? SHOCKING?!)

(the next morning, so a school day)

I walked through the small hallway, I was folllowing the intoxicating scent, that caught my attention a few days ago. I stopped when I find the scent got cut off at the girl's washroom. I  had to fight the ruge to not bust through those doors and find my mate.

This was my second day here, I got a tour of the school and my schedule and everything, but I was dissapointed to find out that she wasn't there yesterday. The reason picked my curiosity, but when I saw her this morning with a red irritated nose, and she sniffling, I take it she had a cold and decided to stay home and treat it.

 I was standing around the corner with a book in my hands, when I caught her scent this morning, and then, once I figured she was about 5 minutes walking distance from me, I began following her scent. I had waited that long because I didn't want to seem like a stalker. In the moment, I was standing infront of the bathroom across the hall, that way I had a wide view of the door, so I can see whenever my mate came out. That way, I can finally introduce myself. I still remembered when her scent first caught my attention, I was with friends in the town square, when all of the sudeen, a breeze rolled through and a mouthwatering scent made it's way to me. Once, I followed the scent it led me to an even more mouthwatering girl. And it was from there that I overheard that she attended this school.


The bull rung throughout the whole school, bringing me out of my memory. Everyone in the halls and bathrooms scattered off to there classes, but my mate was still in the bathroom. This worried me, but I forced myself to stay back. It wouldn't be normal if me, a stranger to my mate, to suddenly be all concerned and checking the girl's bathroom. So, I waited outside in the halls, waiting for her to come out.

Five minutes later, when she finally did come out, I made my move. But when she didn't notice me standing there and went to walk down the halls in a hurry, I couldn't help but admire her first. I like the way her tight fitted jeans complemented her long legs and nice ass. I liked the way her soft brown hair curled down towards her mid-back.

When she turned down the hall and was out of my sight and couldn't distract me anymore from introducing myself, that I began chasing her down. Not literally, but I began running after her, trying to get her attention.

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