Chapter 9

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Melissa"s POV

The next day at school passed bye rather quickly. I was happy to see that, there was a notice on the bulletin board that all female students were to, send in there sizes and they would get the normal school uniform and the option of wearing pants. I smiled and winked at him when I passed him in the halls. He grinned at me in return, but no other interaction then that. 

But I knew it wasn't because he was avoiding or anything, I knew it was because of the date that was upon us. I was so excited that morning that I spent 10 minutes just laying in bed, imagining how tonight would be.  But when my mom started pounding on my door, telling me to get out of bed or she'll ground me for tonight, I was up and ready for school within minutes.

Carter approached me about last night, and I was happy to see that I could really trust her, though we only knew eachother for a day, she was just one of those people who you just knew you could trust. She just had that feel. She approached me and was wondering if I was moving in the pack's village, I told her my mother was undecided and she left it at that. I told her about my date with Ryan and, after she was done squeeling and jumping and clapping, she gave me some advice on how to approach this. She told me to be calm and and mature about this, well duh!  She gave me some other advice that I already knew but in the end she said she was happy for me and wished me luck.

Ryan had also avoided me in gym, he claimed he had pakc business, so I spent the hour training, bye myself and hit the weights, toning up my petit arms.

It was finally the end of the day, when I received another message from Andrew. Poor guy, maybe I should give Ryan my cell number instead of him sending Andrew as the messenger boy.

"Melissa!" I spun around, looking for who it was who called out my name. I spotted Andrew running across the parking lot  and towards my car and I.

"Ryan told me to tell you, that he will pick you up at 5:30 and to dress warmly. And welcome to the pack, Alpha female." He said, winking at the last part.

I gasped, when he said this.He knew?

"How do you know?" I asked, stepping closer towards him,lowering my voice that way, this can completely be a private conversation.

"Don't worry, I've been sworn to secrecry from our Alpha. Besides, I'm sure you've told somebody, am I right?" He said, with a knowing smile. I nodded defeated.

"But what I want to know, if you don't mind that is, is why you don't want people knowing?" He said, with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm the new girl, I get enough unwanted attention as is. Just the thought of the attention I would get if everyone knew I was Ryan's mate is very unappealing to me. So I want to wait a bit longer, 'till the thrill of being the new girl is gone, then we can announce it, but until then..." I let the sentence trail off, knowing he understood my logic.

"I understand." He said. There was an akward silence after that until I finally found the right way to say goodbye without being rude.

"Well, I promised my mother that we'd talk about something that Ryan mentioned to us, so I better go."I said, inclining my thumb towards my car that rested behind me.

"Oh, yeah, sure. It's no problem. Well, nice talkin' to you." He said, while walking away.

"Yeah, you too." I called out to his now retreating figure.


Once I got home, mom rushed me upstairs to change out my uniform and to find the perfect outift. I told her what Andrew told me about dressing warm. Mom instantely shifted from one box of clothes still unpacked, to another. She pulled out a pair of dark denim skinny jeans, a brown and white plaid shirt that was both complementry to what my body had to offer and respectable. She then threw me one of her leather jackets. This one was white and very nice if I do say so myself.

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