Bonus Chapter!

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Andrew's POV

"Andrew, please!" She begged.

I grinned at her.

She was currently tied up to my bed post.

After I told her that she was to be my alpha beta, she puckered her face as though she was speaking to a child, and said with a baby voice.

"Aww, you're beta. You're prince of all the puppies aren't you." She said, and laughed at my angry expression. The teasing, mischevious glint in her eyes showed so much more then just teasing. It was secretive, a secret she wanted me to deflower... and I planned on doing so right now.

She had been tied to my bed post ever since I grabbed her from her bench seat and threw her over my shoulders and ran back here: to the basement of my house. It was warm and cozy down here, and perfect for what I wanted to do. Now.

"Supper sweetie." I said, carrying a try of fruits and veggies.

"Andrew, please. I promise to never tease you again." She said, gently pulling on her restraints. I sat down beside her on the bed and watched her watching me. She wasn't afraid, no by the heat radiating off of her and the look in her eyes, she was pissed. And damn it was hot.

"I thought, since you... persisted to talk to me today like a baby, I figured, why not give what I get?" I asked, and by the confused look I got from her cute little lips,  she didn't understand.

"What do you mean?" She asked finally, after a moment of silence.

"Open wide, sweetheart." I said, smirking hile holding a wide, thick strawberry. She opened her mouth in "O", and then her eyes went large with anger and humiliation.

"I will not be fed, like a baby!" She said, pulling as far as she could, or as far as the restraints would allow her.

"Actually, you will. Because if not, you'll be there twice as long. And treated even more so like a child. But, maybe I'd dress you up like a  sexy little thing. Hmm? Maybe, some nice baby pink panties and thong, with your hair up and out of your beautiful face. And a nice little something in your mouth, just like a baby sucks on a souther. And let's not forget you'll have a special something wrapped around your lovely thighs, making your body..... leak certain fluids." I said, and instead of her eyes being filled with anger, they were hooded, much to my amusement.

"Aww, sweetie by the look in your eyes I think you like that thought all too much, don't you?" I asked, placing the strawberry in my mouth, stem first. Leaving her with the tip. I leaned forward and was happy when she met me halfway, wrapping her lips around the end of the strawberry and seemed to be sucking and biting it all at the same time.

I internally groaned at the sight before me, my little mate, with her lips wrapped around the strawberry... sucking... She smiled around the berry before finally biting a piece off and plling away.

"I change my mind, for what you just did, you get a better punishment!" I said, placing the food tray closer to her so she can feed herself. While I got up and got ready for her punishment, and our special night together.

I went into the only other bedroom there was in the basement, and grinned when I saw everything was still in place. I had been planning this evening for a while and it was finally going to happen.

We were going to mate. Well, not without a little payback. I was going to have her begging for me, and me only.

I came back in to see her nibbling on a carrot and saw her looking around nervously.

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