Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Melissa's POV

I ran out of the office breathless, and went into the first bathroom I saw. I splashed water on my face, not caring right now about ruining my make up.

How can I have a mate? Why is he the alpha? Questions after questions ran through my mind with no answers. My breathing had calmed down  and my mind finally calmed down also, allowing me to think and not bombard myself with an endless string of questions.

Okay, so I found out I have a mate. He's the alpha of the pack I now belong to. My mate was,without a doubt, sexy but on the other hand he is also a total sexist pig  for making all the females wear these uniforms.

My thoughts were interrupted by the bell. Damn, I missed my first class. Before I could make my leave a girl burst through the bathroom doors in tears. Instead of entering a stall like most girls do, she simply slid against the heater and cried. I approached her slowly trying to guess how she would react to seeing me.

''I won't bite.'' The girl whispered through her tears. She sounded so heartbroken that it made me want to cry right along with her. I approached her more confidently now, taking her comment as an invitation.

''Are you okay? What's wrong?'' I asked, sitting down next to her. She looked at me with red-rimmed green eyes  and looked away just as quickly as she looked at me.

''I just c-c-caught my b-boyfriend ch-cheating on m-m-me.'' She sobbed. Without thinking about it I wrapped my arms around her and said nothing as she sobbed. After a few seconds of her sobbing, she stopped.

''Are you okay?'' I asked after a few seconds of silence. She smiled sheepishly at me.

''No, but I'll survive.'' She said, her voice gaining confidence. I smiled encouragingly at her.

She stood up abruptly, offering to help me up. I took her hand and she effortlessly pulled me up from the ground.

''Thanks, I'm Melissa by the way.'' I said. She nodded.

''I'm Carter, are you new here? I don't remember ever seeing you around and I love what you did to the uniform.'' I smiled.

''Yeah, I just moved here. And thank you.''

There was an awkward silence then.

''I'm sorry about the whole crying thing just now. it's just been a tough day for me, sorry.'' She said, fixing her braided hair in the mirror.

''It's fine.''

She looked at her watch  her eyes going big at the time.

''Shit, we have like five minutes to get to class, catch ya' at lunch?'' She said hurrying to the door.

''Yeah, sure.'' I said, leaving the bathroom right behind her.

I made my way to my locker only to realize I didn't have any books to get so instead I went in search for my next class. Sadly my next class was P.E, but since the school was only for werewolves P.E. was mostly combat training in both wolf and human form.

The coach gave me a pair of short shorts and a t-shirt that was very snug. The shirt was so tight against my skin that the contours of my breasts were showing! But sadly, if I wanted to avoid having to go see Ryan I would have to endure it.

When I stepped out the changing room I saw that the gym was now full wolves, and the only one that was  still in human form was the coach. I had caught the attention of most of the wolves in the gym, but one in particular had caught my attention. A male gray wolf in the corner that was surrounded by a big group of other wolves, and he stood tall and proud compared to his peers around him. The tip of his tail was black  and absolutely beautiful, and the way he stood proud was inspiring. Now why couldn't he be my mate? What  caught my attention next were the wolf's green eyes, they were such an intense and heartbreaking green. I was about to look away from the wolf not wanting to be caught staring at who ever it was, but I was too late. The wolf had caught me staring and--

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