Chapter 10

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Ryan's POV

I love hearing her moan my name like that. And how submissive she was, and how she arched towards my touch. It turned me on without a doubt. 

When I dropped her off at home, and she refused to let me kiss her, it was frustrating but my goodness, she was a tease. And a really good one at that.

I arrived home shortly after dropping her off at her house. The second I walekd through the door, I was bombared bye Carter. I noticed last night that her and Melissa seemed to be friends and for that I was grateful to her. She could keep my mate company while I wasn't there, and because she was female I didn't want have to worry about her trying to put moves on my lovely mate.

"So,Alpha! How was it? Did she like it?"   I shook my head in amusment.

"It's not my place to tell, why don't you just text her?" I asked.She looked at me for a moment and then she looked as though she had an epiphany.

"Oh, right I can just text her. Duh! Thanks Alpha." She said, not waiting for me to dismiss her, before skipping out of the pack house and down the path that lead to the pack's village. Ah, Carter. Always the special one.

I made my way upstairs only to find my beta, Andrew in my room.

"Andrew, what's up?" I asked. He looked really happy right now, which of course picked my curiousity as to why.

"Andrew... what is it?" I asked once again because he still hadn't answered me, and insisted on doing nothing but to sit there looking like a smiling fool.

"I think I found her.... my mate I mean." He said, standing up from my couch,to meet me halfway in my room. I smiled at him again.

"That's great Andrew, when can I meet her?" He seemed hesitant to answer such. He looked down, no longer meeting my eyes.

 "Yeah, that might be the problem, she's not in the pack, and she doesn't know I'm her mate... she's human and new to town. She goes to our neighbouring school." He said, rushing everything.

Oh, she's human. A pack member hasn't had a human as a mate in years. It was unheard of now a days, not forbidden just not exactly common.

"Well, that's fine, a mate is a mate, I'm sure she's great bud." I said, he met my eyes and simply nodded.

"Thanks, and so I was wondering, if you would let me transfer schools.So I can be with her you know?" He asked with a desperate tone in his voice.

"I have no problem with it or anything, but you need to know that, you can't let on that your a werewolf until she is ready to know, and if anyone finds out our secret... you know what will happen. I wouldn't have a choice but too-"

"Thank you Alpha Ryan, I swear on my life, that our secret will stay safe." And before I can finish, he was out my door,leaving me alone in my bedroom.

Finally Andrew has found his mate, most of the pack males have found there mates between 16 and 18, Andrew and I and a handful of guys were the only ones to have not found them, but finally we have found our mates. I couldn't help but smile and be happy that night as I crawled into bed thinking about Melissa.

Melissa's POV

The red mark on my neck stuck out from my pale flesh. It made me blush remembering how it was he decided to give me the hickey. I sighed dreamily at the memory, of a few short minutes ago. I covered it up with the collar of my shirt from the sight of my mother, but I couldn't help but blush when my mom asked if I had a good time.

Finally stepping away from the mirror to change into my pyjama's, I noticed that I still had a pack load of homework left to do. Sighing once again, I changed quickly into a pair of flannel booty shorts and a tank top and jumped in my desk chair and began my homework. Though it was hard focusing on anything but the memory of his hands all over me...

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