Chapter 15

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Melissa's POV

"All right, all right, I agree. Your room is pretty clean." I groaned to him. He stood infront of me smirking.

"Stop that!" I said, his smirk only grew wider.

"So, that means that you're moving in next door." He stated, still not loosing his smirk. His smirk was undeniably sexy, but in this case, it was also annoying. I just wanted to slap that smirk off his face. He had won the bet, his room was squicky clean, I even asked a few pack members if he had asked anyone to help clean his room, everyone said no.

I still hadn't met his parents, he said that once his dad passed on the Alpha duty to him, they went off to travel the world. They were due back soon, though.

"Yes, I guess it does." I said, sighing in defeat, he had won fair and square.

"Good, I'll have the movers over in 3 minutes, and the movers can pack whatever you ladies don't feel like packing yourselves." He said, before closing the distance between us and wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulling me against him.

"Thanks, but you know you're helping right?" I said, while leaning my head on his chest as I listened to the even beats of his heart.

"Anything for you, little mate."He said.

Andrew's POV

Ashley... what a tease she was. She had flirted with plenty of guys this week, though she always glanced at me while doing so with a certain glint in her eyes and  mischevious smile on her lips.

Though she was flirting and consciously atogonizing me,  I was amused, the nerve my little mate had. I talked very little with her, but oh, she knew! She knew just what she was doing to me. It wasn't until I saw her actually kissing a guy on the cheek, that her little game wasn't so fun anymore. It was then that I snapped.

I grabbed the guy from the back of the shirt and pulled him away from her.

"Keep your filthy hands off her!" I snarled before turning towards my little mate, and grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the scene.

"What are you doing?" She yelled.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" She screamed, though, she didn't put up much of a fight.

"You are mine!" I said, that's all I could say to her. If I were to say anything else, then I would tell her everything, and she wasn't ready for that. Though, she was ready for a punishment, but still I had to fight of those urges, for now. I couldn't scare her, I needed her utmost trust, before I punish her.

"What are you talking about? I barely know you!" She said, while finally trying to pull away, but I was having none of it!

I let her arm go, only to grip her waist and pull her into my chest. She hughed out before lowly moaning. I smirked at the sound. I was happy that I got such a reaction from her, I can only image what reaction I'd get once I mate her.....

"Darling, you're crazy if you think I haven't noticed all the flirting and teasing you've been doing all week." Her cheeks flammed at my words, which only caused a bigger smirk to appear on my face in approval.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She declared, though even her tone of voice insisted she knew!

"Just know, I'm coming for you, to be more specific, Saturday night at 6 o'clock you'll meet me in the town's square, and I'll come take you from there." And before she can respond, or even before I can see her reaction, I left her standing in the deserted hallway that I had pulled her into.

I growled at myself, damn! I wanted to see her reaction, but I guess, I'll have to wait 'till Saturday to see if she even shows up. But if she didn't... my wolf would hunt her down and deliver her a punishment for disobeying me, no matter what.

Ryan's POV

"You have alot of stuff." I said, while standing in the doorway of her bedroom. The closet was full to the max of clothes, who needs that much clothes? I noticed the school uniform was hanging on a hook. I smirked, remembering how hot she looked. God, I just wanted to mate her then. Hell,I still do.

"I know, but I'm clean and organized with my stuff." She said, with a smug tone in her voice, that didn't settle well with my wolf, he didn't like her sounding like the superior, I mean yes, she was alpha female, but he was the dominate one.

"Careful mate, I got new toys for you." She froze when I said those words. She knew exactly what I meant by toys, and she knew I was definitely not afraid to use them.

"Now, where do we start?" I asked, changing subjects.

"Um, the closet?" She asked, sounding a little startled, as though she wasn't sure what I just asked. Hell, she sounded aroused. I growled in appreciation to her reaction.

"Sure." And before she can stop me, I waled over to her dresser that stood near her closet door. I smirked when I opened it to be rewarded with the view of silky and lacey underwear with a variety of colors.

"Ryan!" I smirked when she walked up behind me smacking me on the back, trying to pull me away from the dresser. I laughed at her pitiful attempts. and spun around to catch her hands from hitting me once again.

"Don't be shy mate, it's not ruining anything for me, I can't wait to see you in them."

With those words, she stopped and crossed her arms across her chest, causing her beautiful mounds to squeeze together.

"And what makes you think, I'll wear those for you?"She asked, trying to sound serious, but failing miserably to do so.I growled, who else would she wear them for?

"Because  I am your mate, and I know the affect I have on you. You love when I  touch you, you love when I simply look at you. And let me tell you little mate, you insinuating that there is someone else you'll show them too enfuriates my wolf.Not something I suggest you continue doing." I said, snarling the last words. She shuddered at the words, before I kissed her passionately. She responded quickly, wrapping her hands around my neck, while I gripped her neck.

We were not packing any time soon, that was for sure.



but please, I have been so busy this week, it's not even funny!

I really need yalls patiences, i need time to write, to come up with my next chapter, I need time!

REMEMBER MY CONTEST ENDS THE 23RD OF NOVEMBER! see chapter 14 for details

PLZ, comment vote and fan?

And bare with me, i know it's crappy, but i felt rushed by some of you guys to update.....

please I promise not to abandon the story, i am trying to update more often, but school and family comes first to me sorry

hope you guys dont hate me :D


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