Chapter 20

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Melissa's POV

After meeting the Simmons,and announcing that Ryan and I were mates, the day was pretty boring.

I didn't see Carter at all today except for that brief glance I got of her on the cafeteria but otherwise, I didn't see her. I had texted her and told her about everything she missed in the cafeteria.  She said that the Simmons are nice people and that I shouldn't feel nervous but... I just do. These are the people that raised Ryan, what if they were just acting like they liked me?

I drove Ryan's vehicle home alone today, he insisted that he had to speak with his parents alone, and that he would meet me at home as soon as possibe. I was a little hurt that he didn't want me there, but then I remembered that he hasn't seen them in atleast a month, and I understood if he just wanted some alone time with them.

When I arrived in the village, I walked by the house again that was ebing used this morning, only to see no trace of life what so ever.

This picked my curiosity and I filed it away in my mind to again, ask Ryan about.

When I got home, I was startled to see packed boxes in our lounge area, though, none of our stuff was packed.

"Mom? You here?" I called out, walking slowly towards the kitchen.

"There she is now." I heard my mom say to someone in the kitchen.

My mom walked out, with a big smile on her face. She gave me a big hug and I jumped back when I saw a man standing behind her.

"Ugh, mom, who's this?" I asked.

She pulled away as though she forgot that we didn't know eachother, the man and I.

"Sweetie, this is Victor, he's new to the pack. I met him in the village today. Victor this is my daughter Melissa. " My mom said, coming to stand behind me with both hands on my shoulders in the gentle-motherly-like way.

Victor, with a smile on his kind face, offered me his hand. I was still skeptical of him, but took his hand either way.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Melissa. All I've been hearing all day is great things about you." He said. He had a kind voice, and seemed nice enough, but I still wasn't completely convinced.

"Likewise." I said, not wanting to be rude. I plastered on a small smile.

"You have a very kind Alpha to allow my son and I refuge in the pack." He told me. And I didn't know if he knew that Ryan was my mate or not, but those words were the icing on the cake, I approved of this guy.

"Yes, he's quite kind isn't he?" My mother implied before I can say anything else.

The room was filled with awkward silence afterwards.

"Ugh, mom, why is there moving boxes in our lounge?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh, ugh... I was meaning to talk with you later about that, but I guess now is as good as ever. I offered for Victor and his son, Derek, to move in with us. Victor also lost his mate, and I offered the 2 spare bedrooms we have."

I stood there stunned, in silence. I didn't know what to say, for as long as I could remember it has always been just mom and I. I didn't know what it was like having other people around in the house. Not to mention, having two guys around either.

"Well, honey what do you think?" She asked, staring at me in suspense, as though my next words were going to change the world.

"If you choose that you don't like such, it's okay. It's just that my son, Derek and I, have been alone for so long, I just couldn't pass up on the offer." He said.

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