Chapter 24

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Ryan's POV

Not hours later when I arrived did it start to snow. Though I was only hours away from home, it was noticeably colder here.

Alpha Chris greeted me and a few of my fellow pack members with more then hospitality, but none of that mattered, I wanted this confrontation done and over with so I can get back home to my mate.

And to keep Derek away from her.

And it wasn't until after introductions and dinner, that the snow had picked up, allowing nothing to be visible two feet infront of us. Even in wolf form.

"I'm sorry, Alpha. But if this weather keeps up, we won't be able to get home."

"What?! That's absurd! Then I'll simply run back!" I growled, getting angry at his words, though I had to remind myself that this was not his fault.

"I'm sorry Alpha, but it is my duty to protect you, and I will not allow you to leave in such unstable weather, I'm sorry." And before I can unleash my anger on him, he left my room. Wise man.

I looked out at the window in my bedroom, watching the snow fall. With all of this snow, the opposing Alpha won't be able to get here either. I could be here for God knows how long.

I needed to get back to her. And soon.

Because if my instincts were right, something was terribly wrong back home. And Melissa was in danger.

Derek's POV

Odio germen a intra,
focused in unum
Ut puella curata uno,
ut inveniat eam verum et solum amors 

I shivered from where I sat and felt the powerful energy in the room, take immediate effect. I felt the shift from where I sat. I felt the disdain and hatred radiate from everyone, except it was not focused towards me. No, it was focused towards my beauty, my love.

Soon enough,she'll feel unwanted, vulnereable to boot from the abscense of her mate, and then she'll notice that: I'm the only one who doesn't hate her. Even her mother will hate her.

And I will be there for her.

Not that filthy mate of hers.


Now, all I had to do was wait for her to come back home from school, hopefully in tears.

"Don't worry my love, I'll be here for you." I whispered to no one but myself.

Melissa's POV

I was miserable at school today. Carter was trying to cheer me up but nothing was working.  And as we walked into the cafeteria in silence,I noticed that it was not just us that grew quiet.

Everyone was quiet.

And staring.

With some-not-so-nice-looks.

"Umm, did I do something wrong?" i leaned in to whisper to Carter though there was no point, I'm sure everyone heard as we made our over to the food line. Carter scoffed at me, which almost shocked me as much as this silence did.

"Did I do something wrong, Carter?" I asked and for a second she looked confused as she spun towards me but she quickly covered it up with a glare of her own.

"Ofcourse you did, all you ever do is cry about how saw your life is because Ryan isn't here! It's so annoying and you should just get over it already!" She screamed before walking away in no particular direction.

"Carter!" I cried, both hurt and shocked. As I took a step forward to follow her, some people blocked my way.

"Just leave, Bitch!" A girl yelled at me, starting a chorus of "get out of here's" and "yeah!" to erupt around me.

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