Chapter 12

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 The movers came quickly with our stuff after Ryan left, and once we were about to go out to eat, we were surpised to see some of the pack, loading in bags and bags of groceries.

"Well, I guess we're eating in." My mom mumbled, while making her way back into the kitchen.

"Do you girls need any other help? Placing something or anything." My mother and I shared a look before answering.

"No, we're good thank you. And thank you for the food." She smiled sweetly at the young werewolf teen.He must've been, 15 atleast.He blushed and nodded, before leaving. My mother quickly got busy, putting the food away while preparing the meal. I sat at our dinning table just watching her. I would've helped but she never allowed people to help her in the kitchen. Which was fine bye me.

I sat silently,observing her, watching her cook. It seemed so natural for her to be doing this, she seemed...content. I only prayed that she made new friends here, that she began to be happy again, more then just content but truly happy.Maybe even find a boyfriend, though I know noone can ever replace her mate, my father, but ,maybe someone who can understand? I laughed, realizing I probably sounded like the parent. She shot me a look, as I laughed, I simply shrugged it off and she continued to run around the room.


Dinner was amazing, though I couldn't help but think that she was hiding something, she kept shooting me this looks.The conversation was normal but I couldn't help but feel as though she was hiding something.... something big.

"Why don't you go down early tonight, we've had a busy day." I looked at my watch, it was only 8:30. and she wanted me to go to bed?What the hell is up?

"Mom, what is up with you? You've been giving me secret looks all through dinner, and now you want me to go to bed at 8:30? On the weekend!?"She stared at me as though she hadn't heard a thing I sayed.

"Honey, you dont have to go to sleep, but I just want you to get settled in your room, that's all."The way she said, made it clear as crystal that I was not to question her and that I was to go upstairs and stay there.

I brough my dishes to the counter, and without another word, I made my way upstairs to my bedroom.

This room was not covered with rose petals or candels or love letters on the mirror, but it was still gorgeous. I decided to change into some sweats and a loose fitted black tank top. After changing into those clothes, I grabbed my paper back copy of The Secret Circle, and climbed into bed. I turned off my light, instantely plunging the room into darkness as I lead myself to my bedside lamp, but what I came into contact with wasn't my lamp. I felt rock hard abs at the end of my fingertips. I jumped back startled, not able to see who it was infront of me. But I know from the sensations from my fingers, I knw who exactly it was. It was my lovely mate, Ryan.

Before I can mutter a word, his hands covered my mouth while his other arm/hand was busy picking me up into his arms. He had jumped out the window before I knew it.

Ouh... punishment time!

He ran with me in his arms to his house, which was now empty.But what shocked me was the fact that instead of him bringing us upstairs to, where I'm guessing the bedrooms were, he brought us downstairs, where there lay a comfortable looking bed. But it was where it was that was unnerving, it was in the middle of one of the many holding cells.

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