Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

*Ryan's P.O.V.*

I was discussing with the school's principal, who also happens to be my uncle, about the new student and who would greet her, completely bored. This was a part of my Alpha duties and it was dreadful. I had accomplished what my father wanted before he passed down the alpha position to me; I got us our own school. Somewhere us young wolves can be free. Though he would've frowned upon me for my wonderful uniform choices but tough love.

If I, Alpha Ryan, was stuck at school,  I wanted to be entertained. This way, I was entertained every second by the wonderful were-women in the pack and their perfectly displayed assets. All female wolves were gorgeous with long legs, their perfect waists and let's not forget those soft looking lumps of flesh they have, practically popping out of their shirts.
My uncle scowled at me when he saw my uniform decision, but since I was Alpha I chose to ignore him and benefit myself and every other unmated male in the school. Though I had seen most of the were-women with fewer clothes on, I still didn't mind imaginating scenarios all day.

''Mr. Hallsin. The new student is waiting outside your office.'' Mrs. Green the school secretary called out from the two way intercom they had.

''Thank you Helen.'' He responded.

''Would you like to meet and greet her?'' He asked, though not really giving me the chance to refuse or accept.

''Do I have a choice?'' I asked adding some attitude. He scowled at me, but quickly replaced it with a smile.

''Come in.'' He yelled. I heard a rustling noise outside and braced myself to see the new student and pack member, wondering if she was above average. But all those thoughts disappeared the second she opened the door.

She was gorgeous! Her brown hair was up, but there were a few curly strands that hung loose around her face and it took everything in me not to brush them back. My eyes roamed over her face and stopped at her blue clear eyes. They were gorgeous, they were the type of eyes you could look into and never get bored no matter how long you stare into them.

My eyes, on instinct roamed the rest of her body. Instead of seeing the rest like I was expecting, I saw that her shirt was yes, still tight, but was covered by a black undershirt. But, that black undershirt had a lace trim bordering the top of the shirt that had my mind wandering.

My line of sight then began to wander down. Her skirt was still low, which I highly appreciated but what I appreciated more was the tights she wore, they accented how long her legs were and simply accented all her curves perfectly.

I brought my eyes back up to meet hers to see that she was also checking me out and that aroused me. I was too awestruck to show anything else on my face but that, until my uncle ruined the moment.

''What seems to be the problem Melissa being as it's your first day here?'' My uncle asked, he sounded annoyed yet interested at her look. Not in the pervert way but in the curious way. As though he thought that no one would disobey my rule.

''These uniforms are ridiculous and insane.'' She raised her soft, delicate voice at my uncle as though she thought it was his fault for the uniforms. It was a turn on seeing her all fired up, and smelling her sweet lavender  scent mixed in with her vanilla soap had me even more aroused. She smelled amazing.

My uncle shot me a brief look and in return I gave him a look that said, ''get out.'' And he did, leaving me alone with this beautiful goddess, this gift from the heavens, my mate.

''And what seems to be the problem gorgeous?'' I asked, smirking at her reaction. She looked nervous yet aroused at the same time. I loved the smell of both in the air, it made my wolf want to howl and claim her, yet it willed my human side to soothe away her nervousness. I wanted to see her comfortable in my presence not nervous. I stood up from where I sat and walked over to her, closing the distance between us before she  could respond.


but i promise more is to come tomorow or sometime soon, still IN RYAN'S P.O.V.  and then Melissa's, I hope I can make a long enough chapter though, but fo now I hope you all enjoy this:)

and remember





perhaps, if i get more comments and and votes maybe I'll update daily...... I've got nothing but free time..... so...........

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