Nico Di Angelo x Reader

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This was another request from ariel91203!!!

Your p.o.v

Your 15 year old daughter c/n was pacing here and there not knowing what to do.

"Hey c/n ,why are you so anxious?" you asked her.

"Mom, I have a dance ball coming up and I don't know how to dance" she said looking worried. You started laughing and she glared at you. Her glare is just like her father's.....a death glare.

"Okay fine, your dad teach will you how to dance" You said and called Nico.

"Dad can dance????" C/N looked genuinely shocked. You winked mischievously at her.

"Dad, can you teach me how to dance?" c/n asked and Nico smiled warmly. He took her hand and placed it on his shoulder, while you turned on some soft music.

"You always want a guy to lead" he explained. She nodded as he waltzed her around the room.

"One,two,three..." he counted with each step and by the end she was dancing gracefully. She did a brofist with Nico and you giggled.

"I never knew you could dance so well" c/n exclaimed and Nico smirked.

"So who is your date?" you asked. "It's Luke" she replied, blushing.

"Jackson's son!!!!" he screeched. You elbowed Nico.

"What???" he asked, looking irritated.

"It's no problem dear .We are really happy that you are going to dance with your crush today" you told her and she beamed with happiness. Your doorbell rang.

"It must be Luke. Bye mom, bye dad. Thanks a lot" c/n said and kissed Nico on the cheek walked towards the door.

"Shall we continue the dance m'lady?" Nico turned towards you and smiled gently.


Ending idea credits to @psychowerewolf


Your daughter came home and sighed.

"What happened? How was the dance?" You asked while taking a seat next to her. Nico soon entered the room and sat next to you both.

"Mom, Luke's cute and all but I realized he's not my type" She said and you started rolling on the floor with laughter.

Nico blushed really hard.

"Why? What's so funny?" Your daughter demanded, looking confused.

"Once upon a time, your father-" You started while grinning, only to be interrupted by Nico.

"Y/N SHUT UP!!!" Nico screamed and you started laughing even more.

Your daughter sighed again.

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