Percy x reader

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Okay so this one is kinda sad.Just a friendly warning from your friendly neighborhood author-chan!! (hey!author-chan and spiderman kind of rhymes!)

Today was the day. You entered the church and took a seat at the back.

"Hey,you made it Y/N" cried Percy dramatically.

"I'm so pleased,my friend" he continued. You chuckled in self pity. Only if he knew that it was fake. Friendzone hurts.

"I should've told him when I had the moment." You mumbled to yourself. 

"Hey Y/N"Leo called out to you.

"Hey Leo"you said half-heartedly. Leo was like a brother to you. You didn't want to come here at all. Though the bride was Annabeth, your best friend, you would have rather curled up in a corner and cried your eyes out while having chocolate ice-cream at your house than attend your crush's wedding. You should have known it. They had always loved each other .

"You like him,don't you?" Leo asked.

"No,not at all" you said quickly. He raised an eyebrow in suspicion. You sighed and finally gave in.

"Yes. I loved him so much" you said.

"I promise to keep it a secret" he said while hugging you.

"You're going to have get over him" He advised taking a seat next to you. You sighed and nodded.

"Don't worry,you'll find someone else soon. How about Nico?" he said trying to cheer you up. But it didn't work.


You were walking towards your home with a book in your hand when you suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh my gods! I'm so sorry!" you said looking at the person. Man,he was handsome.

"No problem. By the way did you just say gods?" he asked with curiosity. You cursed at yourself in ancient greek and his eyes widened.

"Yeah. Sorry I meant god.he-he-he" you said trying to cover up with a fake giggle. Then he looked at your sword.

"Holy styx! Is that Imperial gold?" he asked.

"Are you a demigod too?"you asked. He nodded.

"Percy Jackson.Son of Poseidon." he said while extending a hand.

"Y/N L/N.Daughter of g/p"you said while shaking his hand .Little did you two know that it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

*Flashback over*

"That's how we met"you said to yourself with tears in your eyes. Your thoughts were interrupted by the priest saying the wedding vows.

"You may kiss the bride" the priest declared and You saw Percy and Annabeth kissing each other.

"I love you Wise girl" Percy said and Annabeth blushed.

"I love you more Seaweed Brain" Annabeth said.

"I love you too" You said quietly so that no one would hear you.Tears were just welling up in your eyes.

"I love you too Percy.............."


A/N:Why do I want to laugh?

Heroes Of Olympus Guys X Reader (One-shots) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now