Nico Di Angelo x Reader

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  @vanvaneeks1983 requested this. Well I hope it is cruel enough! Mwahaha!


The Romans had come to CHB for the annual meeting. That means yes, Reyna came too.

Oh how you hated her. She could date anything with arms or legs. Apparently she had asked Percy and Jason out before but they declined.

So she's trying to get Nico now. You warned him about it but he just shrugged it off. "She's a good friend. That's all"he used to say.

"Don't you think Nico's always in his cabin now-a-days?" Leo asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"I don't know, maybe he is busy?" you shrugged.

"You have too much faith on him Y/N" Leo said.

"Don't say that! You know what all he's been through!" You scolded. "As his girlfriend, it's my duty to make him happy, but at the same time give him the space he deserves" you added.

"But think you should go and check on him. He hasn't had food for four days! We're all concerned about him!" Leo said.

"Maybe you are right, I should go and check on him." You said, after hearing that he hasn't been eating well.

"And drag his skinny ass out here. He needs to have his bro time with us three" Leo shouted as you walked away.

"Hey NEEKS!!" You said, as you entered his cabin. But your heart shattered at the scene before you.

You saw Reyna kissing Nico. Tears brimmed in your eyes. You just wanted to go to an emo-corner and wail. "Oh my gods y/n! It's not what it looks like! Iswear on river styx, She was the one kissing me" he practically begged. "I know Nico, I know she was the one kissing you. But don't tell me that I didn't warn you" you said calmly and turned to look at Reyna. She looked apologetically at you.

"I should have known Reyna! How could you do this! I thought of you as a friend despite your closeness to Nico which was not in a good way. Now I know how Annabeth and Piper must have felt. Aphrodite was right. You don't deserve a guy, a demigod at least. You are such a backstabbing git" you shouted. Then you turned towards Nico.

"I think we should break-up. You don't deserve me bitch!"you stated. Nico's eyes widened in shock.

"But I love you y/n. I have loved you since the moment I saw you. You are the perfect one for me"tears were welling up in his eyes too.

"I'm sorry Nico" you said and walked out of the cabin.

~After 4 years~

You had found your Mr.Perfect (a random guy) and were living happily with him and your kid in New Rome. Yeah you had loved Nico but you got over him with the help of your friends.

"Mommy, can we please go and get ice-cream?" your kid, c/n asked. You sighed.

"Okay fine! But you should know that ice cream is bad for your health" you scolded.

"YAY!ICE-CREAM!"C/n ran around the house excitedly.

~At the store~

There was only one box of ice-cream left. You were about to grab it when someone else took it.

"Hey excuse me? Can I please hav-Nico?" you were beyond shocked.

"Y-Y/N?" He asked with wide-eyes.He had bags under his eyes and had lost a lot of weight. He practically looked like a walking skeleton. Awkward silence.

"I miss you!" he said. You hugged him.

"I miss you too!"you replied.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I can't live withou-"

"Mommy? Who is this uncle?A nd can I please this box of candies?" c/n pleaded with big eyes.

"Mommy?" Nico asked, looking shocked and broken.

"Yeah! I found my Mr.Perfect. It's (random guy)"you said happily. Nico fake smiled.

"Congratulations! I'm happy for you" he said while he shook your hands.

"Mommy! Can we please go home?" c/n asked. "I'm feeling sleepy!"

You flashed Nico an apologetic smile."Sorry, I gotta run. But we should meet again sometime" you said.

"Definitely!" Nico fake smiled again and turned to leave.

But you were unaware that he was silently crying. His vision was blurred because of his tears. He had loved you and he always will.Only if you knew that..................


I would like to say a few things before you start bashing out on me.

1) I do not hate Reyna. She's my wife. Nah jk, she belongs to Thalia. Bt seriously, I love her a lot. I admire her courage and her confidence. I was made to write the one-shot in this way.


2) No, Leo was not trying to spice things up. Leo would never want your heart to be broken. It was just a mere coincidence.


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