Percy x Reader

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You hadn't come out of you cabin for 2 days now and Percy(your boyfriend) was getting worried.

*Your P.O.V*

There was a slight knock on your cabin door.

"Come in"you said with a hoarse tone.You were a complete mess.The door opened to reveal a worried looking Percy.

"Y/N!Oh my gods!What happened?"Percy asked and you started sobbing on his shirt.He hugged you tightly.

"If its Clarisse,I swear I'm gonna murder her today"he said.

"No,it wasn't Clarisse"you said.

"Is it someone else?"he asked.

"No" you replied.

"Then what the Hades happened to you?"he asked,getting more worried.You started to cry again.

"Shhh!It's gonna be alright!Don't worry!I promise that we will get through this together"he whispered.After a while you calmed down.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?"Percy asked lovingly.You nod.

"First Cedric died,then Sirius,then Dumbledore,then Remus,Tonks,Fred,Moody,Dobby and Hedwig. So many deaths.I hate JK Rowling"you wailed.Percy didn't know how to react.He wanted to laugh so badly.But instead,he comforted you.

"Thank you Percy.You are the best boyfriend ever"you said and he felt proud.

*Next week*

"Hahahaha!"Percy suddenly burst out laughing out of the blue.(pun intended)

"Why are you laughing?"you asked

"Last cried......hahaha!"Percy said while trying to suppress his laughter.You pouted.

"But you cried so badly when we saw 'Finding Nemo'"you said making him shut up.

"But siriusly(pun intended)You are the best boyfriend ever"you said.

"And you are the best girlfriend ever"he  said pulling you into a passionate kiss.

Heroes Of Olympus Guys X Reader (One-shots) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now