Leo Valdez x Reader

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A/N-First of all I would love to thank everyone who has read my story.It really means a lot to me.Ans special thanks to Gods_girl1500 for the first vote! :)

Back to le story.......

Leo Valdez,the Son of Hephaestus. Your sweet boyfriend whom you loved to the Olympus and beyond.

You snap out of your thoughts just to see Leo Valdez with his infamous smile.

"Y/N, Do you want to star gaze with me?" Leo asked blushing so hard that even a tomato would have become jealous.

"Of course!" you said and he started  grinning like a cheshire cat.

"Cool....how about on tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. at strawberry fields?" he asked.


"Okay then. Meet you later. Oh and don't have the dinner tomorrow" He said giving you a small peck on the cheek and runs off to do who knows what. You shake your head and smile and return to the G/P cabin.

*Next morning......rather afternoon*

"Y/N, wake up. it's already afternoon. You missed the breakfast so,you have to have the lunch" your sibling said and tickled you and he was answered by a grunt and a 'hmph' from you.

"Seriously? You're the only person who'd trade sleep for food!" she said and your ears perked up at the word 'food'.

"I'm up!" you said and ran towards the dining pavilion.

"You have a date with Leo today. Don't ya?Don't ya?"Piper and Annabeth sneaked behind you and asked making you jump.

"Oh my gods!Piper!You scared me out of my wits" you replied while huffing.

"Answer our question!" Annabeth said.

"Yes. Well, not exactly a date, more like star gazing"you replied and the girls started with squealing with joy.


"I approve of Leo" Nico said from a corner.

"GEEZ! What's up with you guys giving me heart attacks?" you asked and he smiled, ruffling you hair. (LET'S CHERISH THE MOMENT BECAUSE NICO HARDLY SMILES WHEN HE'S NOT WITH WILL)

Finally it was 7 and you headed towards the strawberry fields to see Leo already waiting for you there.

"You look gorgeous Y/N" Leo said making you blush. You muttered a small thanks and you both headed towards the secret destination. 

Leo suddenly closed your eyes with his palms and asked you to follow him. He withdrew his hands and you opened your eyes to see a beautiful garden and a picnic laid out in the centre. You squealed and hugged Leo tightly.

"Y/N I'm ...not-able...to breathe" he said and you rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment.

You both finished eating the sandwiches and were laying on the ground while looking at the stars in awe. Leo turned to look at you.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he asked.

"Yeah" you replied slowly, mesmerized by the night sky.

"Do you know what else is beautiful?" he asked and you looked at him and blushed.

"What?" You knew what he was trying to do. You smiled.

"Bish me! I'm beautiful!" He said. Your dreams came crashing down at the plot twist.

You smacked him on the head.


"You deserved it!'

He slowly sneaked one of his arms around your waist. Your head was on his chest and you both were looking at the stars. (A/N: bob says hello! :c)

*Next morning*

Coach hedge found you both sleeping peacefully next to each other.


Heroes Of Olympus Guys X Reader (One-shots) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now